Crazy Cameos

Some may be considered spoiler material::

Dan Madsen, of the fan club, is seen grabbing the reigns for Boss Nass' Kaadu at the victory celebration as Nass dismounts. I noticed a cameo in the film that was not listed on your site.

You will find a character from the Lucasarts game Grim Fandango in the crowd for a reaction shot during the pod race. I've never played the game, but a coworker had a poster of this character at his desk for a long time, so I instantly recognized him as Manny Calavera. He's kind of a cartoon skeleton with a big round head.

Phantom Windu? My friend caught this one, but I blinked so I missed it. Right after Palpatine lands at the end, you see some of the Jedi council members behind him. The funny thing is, there's a guy who's obviously supposed to be Mace Windu, tall, bald black man with jedi robes, but there's one problem. He's not Samuel L. Jackson! I'd assume that Jackson wasn't available at the time this scene was shot, so they just used this guy in the background.

At the beginning of the pod race (before Anakin finally takes off) you can see Boba Fett in the crowd on the left side. One cameo a bunch of us noticed is when the Pod race is going on, in a bunch of scenes Willow, or the actor who played Willow (ed- Warwick Davis), is in them.

Also, I believe Mark Hammil's son is the guard that is guarding the queen's chambers on Coruscant. In the first lap in the pod racing, they zip by a platform. There are a bunch of people standing there in modern day clothes... not very 'starwarsish.' possible production crew?

In the Senate Scene after the Queen calls for the no confidence vote, just before the shot of the E.T.'s, there is a quick cut of another platform with a single alien at the front of the platform, and two humans behind it. I believe that these two are Ian McCaig and Trisha Biggar, the costume designers for Episode One.

We've even had reports of George Lucas, 'Javva' the Hutt, John Snyder, a Vulcan, Gremlins, Stone Cold Austin, Maladorians, the 'guy with no head,' the slave girl with braces and much more!

Remember, some are confirmed, others are just speculation and rumors gone mad. Have fun looking for them on your own!



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