'Playing God' gets bad reviews and DD is voted 'loser of the week' (!)

"David Duchovny doesn't display a pulse but he does take one in Playing God, a medical-underworld thriller that teaches the star of TV's the X-Files something about Z-grade theatrical pics."

USA Today (Dec 97)

"Anybody who can convince Tea Leoni to marry him must have a personality, but if that's the case, Duchovny certainly manages to keep it under wraps during the hour-and-a half that it takes to wade through the movie.

The man simply doesn't do a thing. He just stands there and watches everybody act."

CNN interactive review (Dec 97)

Above are just some of the many less than favourable (to put it mildly) reviews of DD's performance in 'Playing God'. Unfortunately this was shortly followed by 'Entertainment Weekly' voting DD 'loser of the week'. Maybe he should stick to television.....

Have you seen the film? What's your verdict? Let me know.

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