Cool Links
Welcome to the 'Cool Links'. Most of these links I have
taken from other sites around the web especially the one on Yahoo!
.But I have also added some sites of my own and have hopefully
made a pretty comprehensive list. Can I just thank Stephaine le
Viet for allowing us to use some of the links from the web site.
Quick Reference

Latest X-files
X-Files sites
Please note: due to the recent action by Fox some of
the following sites may have closed down, if you, like me, agree
that this is unfair please visit the X-Files protest site for
more info.
- Alex's X-Files Page
- sounds, pictures, and links.
- Archive X
- links to XF videos, sounds, and pictures.
- Area 51 []
- another page with pics and samples etc.
- Asher's Xfiles Page
- contains Xfiles pics, sounds, movies, links and a new JAVA chat
- Black Knight's X-Files Page
- with theories, ASCII art, and pictures.
- Duane's X-Files Picture and Sound Archive
- Great site with a huge links page, lots of pictures and many
sounds. Check it out!
- Eric's Drawer of The X Files
- cool links, cool photos, cool in general.
- Israeli X-Files Page
- video, pictures, sounds, and information.
- Joe's X-Files Page
- pictures, sounds, links, and screensavers.
- Matt-Man's X-Travaganza
- pictures and links.
- Pat McDonald's X-Files Page
- links, pictures, and information.
- Ryan's Awesome X-File Internet Site
- with screen captures from all of the seasons.
- Strongheart's Unofficial X-Files Archive
- contains high-quality stereo sound clips in .wav format.
- X-Files Bureau, The
- links, pics, character profiles and season reviews.
- X-Files for True Believers
- read episode reviews, browse through photo galleries, answer
trivia, and click to related links.
- X-Files Goddess' Emporium
- enter the photo gallery, sound studio, the screening room, and
links to other sites.
- X-Files Googolplex
- contains XF promo pictures.
- X-Files Photo Gallery, The
- XFile7 Photo Library
X-Files Clubs
X-Files Chats
Fan Fiction
based sites
Web Sites
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