"Mulder and Scully" hit the charts!

The hitherto practically unknown British group Catatonia has recently released a song called "Mulder and Scully" which is presently at number 5 in the UK charts. Originally from Wales the group were amazed at the song's success having been used to number 38 or 39 in the charts for most of their previous songs. "We thought that the X-files was running out of ideas for things to investigate" said a member of the group on BBC's 'The Ozone' last month, " and so we thought- well, why don't they investigate love?." The song is currently available in most UK record stores- although I'm not sure about the situation over in the US.

BTW The music video accompanying the song is especially interesting for relationshippers as it shows two pseudo Mulder and Scully's who start by wandering around in dark places with big torches (as usual) but who end up at a party locked in a rather intimate embrace (now that's how the story should end!.....never guess I was a 'shipper would you?).

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