Helsby's Heavenly Christian Links
There are loads of links to Christianity and Christian resources on the Web. Rather than having a page of links to other sites, I include here a small selection of the most useful list of links. Hopefully this will help you to find what you are looking for. Indeed these have helped me and are therefore permanently on my bookmark list.

Spring Harvest Home Page This is the home page of a Christian Gathering for a unique blend of worship, teaching and relaxation. I went last year as a steward and will be there again in 1997.

Christian Artists List This is a useful start page when looking for your favourite Christian Artist.

URC I attend a United Reformed Church, and here is the homepage of the URC. At present I don't have a homepage for my church but watch this space.

Holy Trinity Brompton I have just completed helping to lead an ALPHA course run by my church and this is a link which will give you more information on this course. Relevant for new and old christians alike I heartily recommend attending a course and badgering your Church leader to orgbanise one if you don't have one already.

INTERNET FOR CHRISTIANS NEWSLETTER is published via email and on the WWW by
Quentin J. Schultze and the Gospel Communications Network. Dr. Schultze is Professor of Communication at Calvin College and Special Coordinator for
the Gospel Communications Network. It's a brilliant email and online zine with loads of links and articles. Well worth subscribing to. It has now been relaunched due to the vast amount of protest when it was originally taken off line. To subscribe, send the message: Subscribe yourmailaddress ...to the following address: IFC-request@Gospelcom.net. Do not add anything else to the message, including the list name or your signature.

ICLnet Home Page The Institute for Christian Leadership (ICL) has provided resources to Christian higher education institutions since 1983. Those services
continue to include publishing the Faculty Dialogue and hosting writing seminars and workshops for faculty that address the critical issues facing Christian higher education.
It's also the home of the Christian Singles Mailing list which I am also on. This is a very busy mailing list and currently has no digest so expect a lot of emails in your intray. Discussions are open, frank and range from funny postings, true-life experiences and serious debates. For more details look at the Christian Singles Directory which is a link to the net addresses of people on the mailing list and a birthday list. To subscribe, send e-mail message to: majordomo@iclnet93.iclnet.org. In the body of the message write: subscribe christian_singles youremail@ddress.

Christian WordNet Website This site is based in London and is the home of the Association of Christian HTML writers and other things. It's a good, new site and is growing rapidly but I'm biased as I also run the Whatson page at this site which contains a UK directory of Christian Festivals and concerts.

CrossSearch CrossSearch is the Online Christian Resource Directory. and is part of the Gospel Communications Network (GCN). Well worth a look when searching for something particular on the Net. Also includes a Music page with a search engine to find your favourite Christian Artists.

A nice online magazine can be found at CCM, Contemporary Christian Music.

Yahoo Yahoo has a link of Christianity Links which can be found by clicking on this reference.

The Homepage of the
Ring Of Faith. My Rings are located on my Friends page.

As a member of the OCIH (Organization of Christians with Internet Hompages) I have included their link on my friends page.

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