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Asbury Park, New Jersey



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This Week's Bulletin

805 Pine St.

Asbury Park, NJ 07712

732 775-1056





For those of you who may not have had an opportunity to learn about the scapular of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, the Brown Scapular, history takes us back many years.

Saint Simon Stock entered the Carmelite Order in Kent, England, when he was 40 years old. He was sent to Mt. Carmel in the Holy Land where he led a life of prayer and penance until he and most of his brother Religious were forced to leave by the victorious infidels. The group sailed for England. At a General Chapter which was held in Aylesford, England, in 1245 A.D., St. Simon was unanimously elected Prior General of the Carmelite Order.

St. Simon had great devotion to Our Blessed Mother. This may help to explain why the Carmelite Order began to prosper under his guidance despite considerable opposition.

In response to his appeal to Our Blessed Mother for help for his oppressed Order, on July 16, 1251 A.D. (he was 86 years old at the time), Mary appeared to him holding a Brown Scapular in her hand. Mary said to him:


    "Receive, my beloved son, this Habit; whosoever dies clothed in this [scapular]
    shall not suffer eternal fire [in Hell]!"


Thus did Our Blessed Mother, under the title of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, gave him a brown, wool scapular which was to be added to the Religious Habit worn by the Carmelites.

adapted from http://www.shrineofsaintjude.net/home1213.html

Parish Prayer Line: This ministry provides a network of support for all who are in need of prayer. There are no meetings to attend, but a telephone is necessary. Our parish prayer chain members must be open to God, be willing to pray and be respectful of privacy. To join, please call 775-2925. Voice mail is available or use our email link.



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Last modified: April 2008