Hihi, I'z Isis Liddle Mysis Cat

I'z just a baby cat now!

The song playing for Isis is "Band On The Run" by Paul McCartney and Wings

Hihi! I'z Isis liddle Mysis. At leest, my mommy calls me liddle Mysis, but I dunno what dis meens. She sez Mysis is a co-pa-pod, but I dunno wut dis is. I was borned in October 1997, in Toronto, Catnada. I'z a half-a-siameez gurl kitty, an I'z all blak. I lived in a big house wiff my catmomma Wanda an she's a seal-point siameez! My catpoppa wuz a rollin stone (dat's wut my mommy sez) an I didn't no him at all. But I had a male-cat in my life enyway, cause I'z had my unca Vinnie. He'z a blue-point siameez, an wuz furryfurry gud to me. I'z also growed up wiff my brothfur an my sisfurs, but dey all got onetroohomes in udder places. I went to my onetroohome wiff my mommy in December 1997. Dis wuz a furry eggsiting adventure for me, cuz I'z got to meet my noo step-sisfur Hero an her brothfur Cassidy. Boy did Hero effur hissspitt at me! But I just jumped on her hed or ignored her. Dere was also a d*g dere too an his name is Joules. You kin click an see a pictoor. I liked Joules but Hero an her brothfur Cassidy was scarded of him!
In May 1998, I'z moofed to a new apartment wiff my mommy an Hero. But Cassidy an Joules went udder places. But Cassidy visited us in July an August 1998, an dat wuz fun! I'z espeshully had fun playin wiff him, Hero duzn't like to play wiff me!

Here, you kin look at pictoors uv me now!

Here I is, just huddled on my chair in my old house.

But I'z alwayez reddy fur AKSHUN!! Git dat payper!

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