Hihi! I'z Hero Bee Bunny Cat!

My mommy calls me all dose udder silly names, but mostkittys call me Hero.

The song playing for Hero is "Heroes" by David Bowie

I'z a blak an white gurl kitty an I'z turned two yeers old on March 25 1998. I'z was borned in Toronto, Catnada, in a liddle apartment where I'z lived wiff my catmommy Virus an a whole bunch uv udder kittys. One uv dem wus my catpoppa, but I'z not sure which wun. I'z wuz adopted to my onetroohome in May uv 1996 an dere I went wiff my brothfur Cassidy. Click his name if'n yoo wanna see pictoors uv him. Me an Cassidy lived in dat house a long tyme and we was rilly happy. But den in December uv 1997 disater striked an my crazy mommy brotted home dis horribul blak kitten. Her name is Isis an she's my step-sisfur now.

Wanna see pictoors uv Isis (I dont no why yoo wud!) Yoo kin click on her name.

Just in May 1998 I moofed to my noo apartment wiff my mommy (purrs!) an wiff Isis (hisssspitts!), an Cassidy moofed away wiff his daddy. But we got to visit, cause he came to stay wiff us until da middle uv August. Dat wuz grate, cuz he played wiff Isis, so Isis didn't jump on myown hed. Now dat he's gon, Isis bugs me alla time!

Here is some luvvly pictoors uv me!!

Here I is just sittin on my favritt chayre.

Dis is so embarissin! Ware did mommy find dis pictoor?
How undignifyed uv me

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