Vanessa's Page I'm glad you made it to my page!
I hope you are enjoying your visit to our place and that you have felt warmly welcomed.
While keeping up with the house, my girls, my husband and homeschooling, I do manage to find some time to enjoy the things I like to do.
Reading my Bible, spending time in prayer and going to church are among my very favorite things to do. If you have a prayer request, e-mail me and I will pray for you!
Some of my other favorite things are tea, baking, crocheting, reading christian fiction and listening to my girls read. There's nothing better than enjoying a nice, hot cup of tea and snuggling under a blanket to read a good book on a chilly day.
In the warmer months, I enjoy spending time outside weeding the garden, tending my flowerbeds and watching my girls play with our pets. I try to learn something new about gardening each year--so little time, so many beautiful flowers!
I also LOVE bears! *s*
I truly am married to the best husband in the world. We have been married 11 years now and I look forward to at least 50 more!
The most precious gifts ever given to me are my two daughters. They bring such joy and purpose to my life that I don't know what I would do without them. Children are truly gifts from God!
That is why homeschooling was the only choice for us. I love spending time with them and watching them learn is something I would hate to miss. If you are interested in homeschooling or are already a homeschooling family, visit my homeschool page.
Kimberly's Korner
This is my best friend's web site.
Stop by and visit her. They are a homeschooling family, too.
*Scroll all the way down first though!*