This is the page for stuff that doesn't quite fit in anywhere else on my home page...sort of like every house has a place to store junk, this is my junk storage place on the web. ;) Not that any of this is junk but you know what I mean to say! Anyway, enjoy.

This is the classic Johar model remade back in 1986. I picked her up for $10 at Austin County Live...she had a broken leg and her paint job wasn't what it should be. Anyway, I took this lady home and fixed her leg, gave her a sculpted mane and tail, painted her a lovely rose grey, and now she's FDL LAST ENCHANTMENT.

This is REJOICE...the living one, not the plastic model. ;) These shots are courtesy of Sandra, who was kind enough to sell me one of her Rejoices at a good price! I hope to have pictures of FDL BURNING BRIGHT up soon, too.

Dun in Stone, the Peter Stone Appaloosa mold in a special run dun made for Hapy Trails. Email Gary Merril for more info at:

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