Welcome to the Garden Tour

I Hope you enjoy your Tour of My Gardens
This is some of the Back Garden
In this garden we have a combination of Perenials, and Spring Bulbs for a continuous bloom.
For the spring we are welcomed with Crocuses, Daffodils, Tulips and Siberian Iris.For summer we have Asian Lillies, Cone Flowers, Salvia, Black Eyed Susans, and Iris.This is one of the first gardens you see as you come to visit the gardens.
This is my Butterfly Garden
This garden was made with the thought of attracting Butterflies and Humming Birds.
In this garden we have a combination of Spring Bulbs,and long blooming Perenials.We have Crocus and Tulips for spring, then have HollyHocks,Cone Flowers, Red Gaillardia,Clara Curtis Daisies,Mondrana,BlackEyed Susans,various Daylilies,Balloon Flowers, Oriental Poppies,Dwarf Gaillardia, and a variety of Herbs for the Butterfly Larva to feed on.Plus many Butterflies and Humming Birds!
Looking out my back yard this is the Garden on the Side Hill

It was planted in 1996 and again is a combination of Perenials and Spring Bulbs. This one contains 100 Red Tulips for spring bloom and many Perenials
This is a view of the four large Gardens in the back corner of my property.
There is a brick path to stroll on through them , with a Bird Bath in the center. The first garden on the right is my Rose Bed which has 15 different Rose Bushes, the bed to the left of it is a Gladiolus bed where I plant the seed Bulbs then move them when they are large enough to bloom,to the bed in front of that which is Glads only, so I have about 500 Glads a year at various different times of the season.The large bed to the right and in the back is a combination of 300 Daffodils in the spring,and summer Perenials, Iris, Shasta Daisy's,Mondrana,Sun Flowers,some more Glads,Coreopsis,and Dwarf Gaillardia.
These 4 gardens are well established and weeds are few, they were planted in 1994 and the flowers have taken over all the space, and left little room for the weeds.They are easy to care for and now do not require much work, other then division.
This is one of My Daylily Gardens
In this garden I have 100 Pastel Tulips for spring bloom, and 25 different types of Dalilies.

That bloom and rebloom for continuous bloom through out the summer and early fall.
The Daylilies are one of my favorite flowers,as they require little work and thrive on the heat of the summer here.They tolerate the dry hot summers we have and are disease resistant.They do not seem to bothered by the bugs and are not prone to mildew.My favorite ones are the double flowering ones as they are just beautiful.I have 40 different double Daylilies,spread out in my gardens.I have a total of about 100 different Daylilies in all. All my gardens have at least 6 different Daylily plants in them.
This is an Overall shot of the Back Yard Gardens
All my gardens have Spring Blooming Bulbs included so as soon as the winter is over we are greeted with many flowers in the early spring, besides the wealth of blooms in the summer.
I have a total of 21 perenial beds around the yard with many different types and kinds of flowers.We are in bloom from early spring to frost.
The Front of the House
This is what you see when you arrive at my front door.
This garden was enlarged 2 years ago and will be enlarged this fall.It seems I never have enough room and I am constantly enlarging some place.
In these front beds we have many different Perenials and spring Bulbs.We have 400 Daffodils that form a line around the front and side of the house,75 Crocus,another 100 Tulips yellow, and red mixed,some of the Perenials are, Achillea,Astibilles,Columbine,Asters,Coreopsis,Dahlia's,Delphiniums,Foxglove in 4 different colors,Gaillardia,Daylilies,4 Rose Bushes, Phlox, Mondrana, and Mums. Along the front walkway I have 50 Mums that are planted.In the fall it is just bursting with color.