Daylilies In My Gardens
These are some of my Daylilies that I have in some of my gardens. It is really hard to say which is my favorite as I love them all.
With this new camera now taking these pictures is so simple that I go out almost everyday looking for new blooms to take a picture of, which here is not a problem as there is always something new to photograph here.
I have many different varieties planted
as you have seen in the last two pages
and there is always something different in bloom.
When they start blooming
I love to cut them and bring them inside to enjoy in the house.
When I plant my gardens
I do not have anything specific in mind.
I plant a variety of different things
in each one and do not like solid color gardens,
as I find them boring .All my gardens have multiple colors and differnt flowers. I try have each one planted so they are in bloom almost continuously from one corner to the other.
This way there is always something to look at or take a picture of.
Many times I have people and neighbors who stop by just to visit the gardens as they see them all as they drive by and just have to stop and look. When I'm out in the yard working as I am most of the time, there is always someone who will flag me down and ask if they can see the gardens.I love to have them stop, as I am very proud of them, so always say yes.
As Summer is just starting
this year I am now getting ready for the blooms.
I have been busy getting ready for the season
for summer is here.For the last 5 years
I have started most of my own flowers from seed in flats in the cellar with multiple plant lights.
Now I am spending my time planting alot of them.But this is the fun part for me.

I spend about 6 hours a day in the gardens.
If I am not planting something then am pulling a weed or dead heading a flower.
I am always looking for something new to plant as it is a never ending circle.
.Over the last few years I have really gotten quite a variety of plants going here and always looking for new.
Check out the next few pages please.THANKS AGAIN FOR VISITING