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Online Friendship...

The true friends who we meet online
are a very special kind
They pierce your shields and see within
the corners of your mind
They're always there when you're in need
with their power to discern
They feel your pain...........they offer hope
and genuine concern
We bare our souls, expose our hearts
and show our inner fears
and then before you know it
the keyboard's stained with tears
And if we could see them through that screen
then no one could deny
that to be a TRUE online friend
they too must surely cry.

~Author Unknown~

Heartland Memories Forever Friends Instructions For Life
Friends More Friends I Resign
Isn't It Funny? Walls And Briges Coming Soon....
Your Kind Footsteps Give Me A Smile
God's Gift The Simple Joys Surprise
Life 24 Things You Are Here
Warm Thoughts Of You Cherished Friend Strength Of Man
Only The Best Soldiers Tribute My Angel Friend
Because I Care Lasting Love Special Friend
Say It Now Mother Angel
A Granddaughter A Son Baby Girl
A Grandson A Sister Thank Goodness
My Cyber Friend My Awards My Webrings
Please Visit Here Coming Soon.... Coming Soon...

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