

I Just had to Laugh


I just have to laugh

When I think

Of some of the crazy things

We've done together--

Like the nights we got in trouble
for laying in bed and giggling,
like children do
even after we were warned
by our parents that we were
about to be in big trouble.

And they wouldn't have been half the fun

With anyone else but you.

I love to look back at those times

And to all the moments spent with you…

Even the difficult times

That we helped each other through.

Like when we spent our last days together
and found that we loved each other
more than we ever realized.

When you had your children
to call me,
because you needed me by your side.

Our last silly night
of staying up all night
laughing and giggling like children,
and eating all the chocolate cookies,
and reeses cups and drinking Diet Pepsi
(to say we had stayed on our diet!).
The strength you showed in the face of death,
knowing that your days here with us were few
and still being strong for all of us,
me, your sister,
your sons and daughter,
and the baby sister.

So many hours spent with me by your bed,
talking, laughing, remembering.
The kids gathered around to hear our stories
of "things" that happened as we grew up
and the trouble we got into growing up just being girls.
Even with the fear of what was to come,
it couldn't spoil the wonderful memories...
even knowing that this would be
our last time together,
your smiles, your laughter,
the words of encouragement,
instructions on the importance
of always being a family,
of being there for each other...

 I wouldn't trade one of those memories

For anything in the world,

Because they're so much a part of my life

And so are you.

Even now,
after being by your
side along with your children,
your brothers,
your baby sister,
the family....
and me, your double-first cousin
by blood, but sisters in our hearts
knowing that we had seen
you take your last breath..
those times,
those precious hours
of memories that we shared
were some of the most rewarding
and love filled moments of my life.

You are my sister, my friend.
One person that knows all my secrets
and still loved me.

Although your time here on earth is over,
you have left behind some of the most
precious memories of my life,
and if that wasn't enough,
you gave me the chance and the joy of knowing,
that thru your children,
I will enjoy you for many years to come,
In my heart
and my memories
you will live forever.

I love you and miss you Sis.

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