Lovebirds are small, colorful and active parrots.
To learn more about lovebirds, you may want to review the following web sites:
Lovebird Mailing List
The Birds and the Beads

 Tiki is our pied peach-faced lovebird (Agapornis roseicollis roseicollis). She hatched on June 18, 1996.
We purchased her from a great parrot store called The Birdie Boutique. They hand feed all of their parrots and handle them daily. All of the parrots are very tame and loving. They encourage you to come visit and bond with your baby bird as it develops and while it is being weaned. I think this approach has resulted in producing the tame lovebird we have. Here are some more pictures of pied peach-faced lovebirds.

It's a girl! ... At least that is what three vets who have examined her have said. They take into consideration the bird's behavior and anatomy to decide.You can't "really" know a lovebird's gender without doing a blood test. The male and female lovebirds look exactly alike.


PERSONALITY: Tame, affectionate, active 

She makes a variety of sweet chirps, whistles and noises. When we get home or when she hears us in another room, she calls out to us in the same bird call each time. We call back to her using the same call/whistle. 

Like most parrots, she has been taught to give us a kiss. It's a natural behavior for lovebirds to touch beaks. 

LIKES: Riding on your shoulder or on your shirt collar. 

Flying off your shoulder to her cage. 

Having her head scratched. 

Having her feathers preened by you. 

Putting her head under your chin. 

Rope perches 

Chewing on any type of paper. 

Broccoli, apples, oats, pasta, pole green beans, rice 


We know she dislikes something, because she will either fly away from it or give you a little bite on your finger.

When a favorite toy is played with by you. 

When a favorite toy is removed from her cage. 

Being fed food from your hand - she will fly away 

Grapes, any frozen vegetables (thawed of course) 

Getting a bath. She does not bathe on her own even when a dish of water is placed in or out of her cage. She only seems interested occasionally when the water faucet is running. She will climb down our arm and but her beak in the water and flap her wings briefly. 


She's a good eater but it takes persistence to get her to try new foods. 

Roudybush pellets 
Seed/dried vegetable mix 
Fresh fruits and vegetables 
Crazy corn pasta and bean mix
Swings of all types 
Anything with a bell 
Strings with beads 
LIVING QUARTERS: Tiki lives in an 18" X 18" white cage with 5/8" bar spacing. We provide a variety of perches and toys for her. 

She also spends a great deal of time out of her cage. We purchased a bird "playpen" for her to play on. It has a swing, ladder, climbing posts and bells with beads hanging on it. 




Hand Tamed:

She was hand fed and hand tamed when we got her. She responds to the commands "up" to get on our finger,  "down" to get off our finger and "no bite". She was a little nippy and bit us during her four to six month development but now rarely bites.

Potty Trained:

She is also "potty trained" in which she will relieve herself on command. In order to potty train a lovebird, you have to be alert. When they're being active after being calm/quiet or become calm/quiet after being active, it's time for them to go - atleast that's the behavior I've seen with my bird.

Be sure to check out my tips for new lovebird owners too.

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