In Memory

~In memory of our loved one~
Leslie M. Willson Sr.
~October 20, 1918 - October 27, 2007~

We never know when God will call,
But from His love He calls us all.
It's a wonderful feeling,
To have such a Friend,
To know that He's there,
And it's not just the end.
When life is all spent,
We'll be with Him there,
For, of His mansions, in Heaven,
He said we would share.
Now I am there with Him,
As we all WILL some day be,
And our eyes will be opened,
To the wonders of God, for all to see.
Our souls will be called,
From this worrisome world,
By God in His wisdom,
Once our life is unfurled.
It's a blessing to know,
That all our days will have passed,
And like all of God's children,
We'll be with Him in Heaven at last.
It's a comfort to know,
When life's mission is or'e,
That God in His wisdom,
Gives peace, worry no more.
Our soul does not die,
It's in God's hands forever.
God gives us this blessing,
So life's end will be never.
By L.M.Willson

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