~October 20, 1918~~October 27, 2007~

~~Goodbye Daddy~~
Goodbye my Dearest Daddy,
I will love and miss you so,
Jesus called you home tonight,
It was your time to go.

Your battles are all over now,
And although it breaks my heart,
Precious memories of times together,
Ensure you'll never really depart.

Since Mom was called to heaven,
Your only wish was with her to be,
In heaven sharing God’s greatest gift,
Peace and love for eternity.

You and Mom are angels now,
With God you'll always be,
Somewhere over the rainbow,
Watching over me.

I'm so very sad to see you go,
But your memories will never fade,
Hearts will be forever saddened,
In all the friends you've made.

I pray it's all you wished for Dad,
~~ Goodbye Daddy ~~
I miss you and will love you forever!

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