I realised that although there is heaps of stuff
about Alexandra here there wasn't anything about me so if you're interested here it is:
My name is Lee and I was born.....awhile ago.....
in Sydney, Australia. I'm the only child of Joe and Rhonda and I guess all in all
childhood in Sydney was pretty good. Ride bikes, go to school, go to the beach,
play, etc. Can't really complain about any of that I guess. Half way through
my sixth grade year my dad was transferred to Jakarta, Indonesia.
Although at that time I had never heard of the
place (I was only 11) and it wasn't all that far from Sydney (6 hours by plane) it seemed
like we were going to the ends of the earth. Once we got here though it was pretty
good! I did all my high school here at the Jakarta
International School.
As I had lived most of my life either on or very
close to beaches I decided that I would like to try living by mountains, and the University of Colorado at Boulder seemed to fit the bill (although I'm not sure my
father enjoyed the same bill ... sorry bad joke). I loved Boulder! If
you've never been and you have the chance GO! It's such a great town and there is
always so much to do in the surrounding areas, oh yeah and the University is pretty good
I tried to get into skiing while I was there but it
wasn't to be! I think it was those little 3 and 4 yr. olds zipping by me on the
slopes while I struggled on the bunny slope that helped put me off it! Never mind, I
still enjoyed the après ski part. Well all good things must come to an end and armed
with a degree in Early Childhood Education I decided that I didn't want to teach
anymore! How many of you can relate to that? Finally degree in hand, and you realise
that maybe this isn't what you want to do for the rest of your life! Oh oh.
I had been teaching while I went back to school for
a Business degree but burnt out. So now what? Well my folks had moved to
Singapore and my dad suggested that I go out there and work for him for awhile and see how
it goes. So off to Singapore it was.
Singapore is ......clean. It's also a lot
more than just shopping along Orchard Road. The shopping is great but there are some
really neat cultural aspects to Singapore as well. The Feast of The Hungry Ghost,
Chinese New Year, Deepvali, Thaipusam,
Dragon Boat Festival, Ramadan, and if you are into temples then you've come to the right
place. I made some really good friends in Singapore and would go back anytime.
In 1990 I met Martin and to cut a long story short
moved back to Jakarta. I love living here. Never a dull moment, especially
I started playing around on computers and the
Internet about 4 years ago and have become addicted. My first homepage was very basic,
just a couple of pictures of Alexandra, and now I'm trying my hand at design. Please
check out my Graphics By Lee page to see how I'm coming along.
I am a fanatical reader! Amazon is my all time
favourite site. Bookshops here
are very limited in their range and outrageously expensive. I love Patricia
Cornwall, Anne Perry, Jonathan Kellerman, and just about any other book I can get my hands
In amongst all of this I also do the office stuff
for our business. We have 2 boats and run a surf charter business around Indonesia.
We've been doing this for about 6 years now and so far so good.
Of course all of this is nothing compared to my
favourite activity....being a Stay At Home Mum to my daughter Alexandra!
So, that's me in a nutshell, a rather large
nutshell but......
I hope you enjoy your look around and please let me
know if you have any thoughts on anything you see or read here.
October '99