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Scott & Angela Martin - 01/22/00 04:02:10
My Email:detonka@aol.com
Location: Liberty Texas

We love the page! Its a lot of hard work to make a good one and you did! We just love it

Brit and Mom Wendy - 01/20/00 20:48:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Meadow/1270/
My Email:bluesclue1@email.com
Location: Palmdale, CA

Love your site...Mom collects pooh bear beanies and ornaments, and we know how much you love our favorite puppy Blue Alexis. Keep being as sweet as you are, and don't get discouraged by some of those nasty people that sign guestbooks. There are good peo le out there that think you and your website are wonderful.

Sara - 01/17/00 23:22:40
My URL:http://www.flowerfocus.com/cgi-bin/affiliates/clickthru.cgi?id=flower
My Email:x99russell1@wmich.edu
Location: MI

Thought you would like this link: Sara

AngelDDD - 01/16/00 22:42:44
My URL:http://members.aol.com/AngelDDD/index.html
My Email:AngelDDD@aol.com
Location: Arizona

You have done such a fabulous job with all your webpages... You have truely been blessed with a beautiful family and your pages show the love you have for each other... Cherish those memories... With many Angel Hugs, Angel

Angelica - 01/01/00 04:48:32
My Email:angelicajoan@hotmail.com
Location: Jasper, TX

GC, that was so cute! You did a great job, sis!I am very proud of your work, your family!Much Love... MMMUUUAAA to all... :)

Suzie Gill - 12/27/99 19:18:38

this is great! i love it. i am working a page about autism for dillon. i will let you know when its done. i will add a link to your page on there. love you guys!!!

Vera - 12/26/99 20:24:51
My Email:vguajardo@eprod.com

Great Job!

The Baker - 12/24/99 17:15:49


Grandma& grandpa - 12/24/99 15:56:23
My Email:lgill@lcc.net
Location: Oahurst , Texas

We love The web page.And we love ours little girls . Jeff and Gesille we love you both. With lots of hugs and kisses to our alexis and ashleigh and our son and daughter in law. Love Mom and Dad! Love grandma and grandpa!

Jeff Gill - 12/24/99 10:14:49
My URL:You are here
My Email:webmaster_27@yahoo.com

Good job, Gissie!