again !!
This page gives you a little information about discus. Enjoy yourself
and feel free to learn about them. If you like to give me some comments
about discus or about this page, just do it! Send me your e-mail
and I'll be happy to read them.
are fresh-water fish. They are called discus because of their disc-shape.
There are two discus species, each with subspecies, that are currently
recognized. Those are Symphysodon aequifasciata (the common discus)
and Symphysodon discus (the Heckel or red discus). Both species
are found in the Amazon River system, mainly in Brazil but also
in Peru and Colombia.
Today, discus are called as "the king of aquarium fish".
Why discus are so popular? There are some reasons making them so
First of all, they are really regal and splendid in their coloration.
are some pictures of them.
you want to see more pictures please check out Jack Wattley-Discus page.
What do you think? Are they great?
most interesting reason is they are so difficult to breed. This becomes
a challenge for each discus fanatic to be able to breed them. Determining
the sex of discus is a problem that cannot be solved easily as discus
have no clear external sexual characters. The possibility to determine
their sex is only during the actual spawning process. Discus need approximately
one year to become fully adults and they will form pairs by themselves.
They will pair naturally. Do not try to change the mates of mated pairs.
It may not work. If you are lucky you can do this. Offering a new
male to an adult female may lead to trouble. The forced pair will not
spawn. Another problem is some discus are notorious egg-eaters, so such
fish cannot be used for breeding. Besides that, the great care should
be given during the spawning process.
Oh man! This is the most interesting part for me when I was caring
for the discus and becomes my obsession to be able to breed them one day.
are some pictures of the spawning process.
other reasons that make discus so interesting are that they are peaceful
fish, probably the most peaceful fish, and they easily hybridize with
other fishes in the same genus. This produces beautiful color variations,
body shape variations, and finnage variations. Nowadays discus are found
in many colors, shapes and finnages.
and pictures are from:
Discus by Bernd Degen.
Discus How to Breed Them by Bernd Degen.