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Copyright© 1997-2008
Web Design By Unii Last Updated: 12-9-08
Unii's Crafts Page

Knitting, Crocheting & Tatting Links:
ASN Publishing
Annie’s Attic
Better Homes & Gardens Knitting & Crocheting
Coats & Clark
Craft Yarn Council of America
Interweave Press
Knitter's Magazine
Krause Publications
Learn to Knit and Crochet
Lion® Brand Yarn
Knitting Guild of America
Vogue Knitting
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Cross Stitch, Needlework & Embroidery Links:
1-2-3 Stitch - Mail Order Leaflets, Kits, Supplies, Fabric, Gifts - needlework section
Amazing Designs - Embroidery Designs
B&W Crafts - Free cross-stitch patterns
Charles Craft - online catalog
Coat of Arms, Celtic & Scottish Cross Stitch Patterns
Coats & Clark, Inc.
Counted Cross-Stitch from Woven Stitch Crochet
Craft Designs for You
Dakota Collectibles - embroidery designs
DMC Floss - cheap printable patterns
Embroidery Arts - embroidery designs
Embroidery Mall - Resource for Embroidery Online - source of free craft patterns
Hard-to-Find Needlework Books
Julie's Cross Stitch
Lisa's Cross Stitch Page - links she has found for Cross Stitchers!
Martha Beth's Page
Megrisoft Embroidery Digitizing Service
Mill Hill
Monogram Magic Embroidery Digitizing - Custom Embroidery Digitizing
Needle Craft Showcase
Needlework! Wonderful Needlework!
PCStitch Homepage
Robin's Nest Designs
Sudberry House - Fine wood accessories for needlework
Told in a Garden - informs stitchers as to what is available
Wichelt Imports, Inc.
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Miscellaneous Crafts Links:
Amos Craft Publishing
Chatsco - Mail order eyes, noses, whiskers etc.
Cochenille - software and design aids for the Craftsperson and Textile Artist
Country Seat - Basketry and seating supplies

Crafts Mailing List - put the word subscribe in the subject
Crafty - Needlework, watercolours and silk paintings
DD White's Home Page -cool crafts and links for those craftsy ppl like me :)
Donna's Place - Crafting Links, Crafty sayings - cheap printable patterns
Enterprise Art - beads and free crafts projects
FiberNews Mag. - hand spinning, weaving, and othe fiber projects - source of free craft patterns
Karen's Herbal Crafts - Floral and Herbal crafts and gifts
Making Friends and Other Crafts for Kids
National Craft Association
Pure Whimsy - Jewelry, Gifts & Collectibles for Sewers, Quilters, & Crafters
Renaissance Faire - a collection of information regarding Renaissance Faires
Renaissance Ribbons
Timeless Gifts
Top 100 Craft Sites Report
Unii's Plastic Canvas Pages
Unii's Recipes
Williams Gift Emporium - handmade accessories and gifts
World Wide Visions - Their listing of A&C BBs
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