This page follows the generations of the Palmer family, as I descend from them. The following links operate within this same page - click on the Palmer you want to see.
FIRST GENERATION: William Godby Palmer
William Godby Palmer first appears to me in the 1870 census. He and wife Emilie, both age 44, appear with children Anna, Charlotte, and William. Both William G. (a 'file cutter') and Emilie are listed as from England, while the kids were all born in Ohio. In the next (1880) census, William G. Palmer again appears in Cleveland. William Godby Palmer and wife Amelia, ages 54 and 53, respectively, appear as residents of the city of Cleveland, at 42 Church Street. William Godby gives his occupation as a travelling agent. Whatever that meant at the time, at least the 'travelling' part is correct - William and Amelia were born in England, as were their parents, but their children (daughter Charlotte and son William Henry) were born in Canada, and in 1880, they all had found their way to Cleveland. William Godby Palmer's wife Amelia (or Emilie) died in Cleveland on November 21, 1881, of 'paralysis' - the death record lists her father as William Palmer, her mother as Emilie Blogare, and her birthplace as Ireland. William Palmer was actually her husband, so there is an entry error there, but listing her as Irish is in contrast to the census, which has her from England. After her death, William G. Palmer made at least one more move - to Toledo, Ohio, where he died at his residence (440 Floyd Street, Toledo) sometime prior to December 1, 1890, when his obituary appeared in the Toedo Daily Blade.
SECOND GENERATION: William Henry Palmer
William Henry Palmer was born on May 22, 1861, in Quebec, Canada. Prior to 1870 his family moved to Ohio - William Henry stayed there long enough to get married, but he was on the move by the time his kids were born. William Henry Palmer married Elizabeth "Lizzie" Fitzgerald on January 3rd, 1887, after satisfying the state of Ohio's requirements fo marriage: that they were no nearer in kin than second cousins, that he was over 21 and she over 18, and that neither already had a living spouse. Lizzie, born in Cleveland in January 1867, was the daughter of Michael and Mary Fitzgerald, immigrants from Ireland who came over in 1860 and 1853, respectively. In 1900, William Henry was in Ohio, but evidently he had gone to Illinois and come back, because both of his children, daughter Marie and son William John, were born there in the early 1890's. His listed occupation in 1900 was the proprietor of a carpet beating works.
After 1900, William Henry moved to British Columbia, Washington, and California. He died on the 27th of April, 1939, in Martinez, California. There must have been some confusion as to his last days, as his obituary (below) has him succumbing to both a "Long illness" and a "brief illness".

William Henry Palmer's obituary, appearing in the Contra Costa
County (CA) Courier-Journal, May 4, 1939
THIRD GENERATION: William John Palmer

William John Palmer's obituary, appearing in the Contra Costa
County (CA) Courier-Journal, September 7, 1939
FOURTH GENERATION: William Allison Palmer, Sr.
PLEASE NOTE: I stopped updating the web page around 2001, but I've continued to work on my project. My family history is now in Word document format, with the goal of publishing it once I consider it to be as complete as I'm going to get it. While I'm greatly indebted to those who have assisted me in my research, I'm finding that the demands of everyday life don't allow me to consistently respond to email inquiries. So, I'm offering my most up-to-date volume for sale, at a price of $19. For those interested, it is at 118 pages right now, printed by a laser printer on 8.5x11 32-lb./98 brightness paper, and wire bound. The table of contents, revision history, and index are available at the following links. To order a copy, please email me at, and I'll send it within 3 days of payment. If you indicate the family line you are interested in, I'll send you a new bound copy if and when I update my research for that line. Thanks,
EMAIL:Jay Ingram
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