My Story

I had traveled to the lake on Friday night to spend the weekend with my family.  My mom & dad have a trailer at Lake Eufaula & we had been going to the lake about every weekend.  I woke up on Saturday, June 27, 1998 with a terrible sinus headache!  (breaking my neck was not the way to get rid of it!)  My dad went to the store & got me some medicine & I went back to bed.  That afternoon we loaded everything to take out to the island & went to mom & dad's favorite spot.  The shoreline was sand & the water was shallow for a few feet then dropped off.  We had gone to this place every weekend this year & years before & I was very familiar with the water (or so I thought).

That afternoon was spent sunbathing, swimming, jet skiing, & last but not least water skiing.  I hadn't water skied in three years.  My Uncle Joe & Aunt Debbie had bought a new ski boat & were going to go skiing & I was thrilled at the opportunity to water ski!  So off we went to see if I still had it in me at age 29.  It took three trys to get up but it was exhilarating when I finally did it!  I slalomed until my legs gave out! I had no idea this would be the last time I would  ski or be able to feel my tired thighs!  My cousins took their turns skiing & it was time to head back in.                                                      
As we were pulling back into shore I decided to dive off of the boat.  I thought that the water was deep - after all I knew this area quite well - but the boat was still moving toward shore & by the time I stood up & dove the water depth was actually only about 2 to 3 feet deep.   I was not knocked unconcious so I remember it all well.  I tried to swim to the surface but realized something was very wrong!  My body felt like it was humming or vibrating.  I prayed "God don't let me die I have two children to raise".  I knew I had to hold my breath.   I could hear my Aunt screaming "Nicki, Nicki" & could see arms in front of me.  I thought they were her arms reaching for me & I tried so hard to reach for them but nothing happened.  It was actually my arms floating lifelessly away from my body.  Daddy got to me & turned me over & asked "Are you okay?"  I took a deep breath & replied "I'm breathing".  He & my brother pulled me up to the shoreline trying to secure my neck.  In the meantime a friend of mom & dad's went to get a paramedic & nurse who were just around the island.  Everyone was pretty calm - my son was extremely upset.  I asked if my hands were on my stomach or floating in the water & that is when everyone started pinching me asking "can you feel this?"  The only feeling I could feel was a tingling on my shoulders.  The paramedic & nurse arrived & started securing my neck.  They said I may have shocked the spinal cord.   Mom had sent my son & his dad to call for help.  They got a kneeboard under me & took a foam noodle (flourescent foam sticks that kids play with in the water) & broke it off.  They placed it on one side of my head over the top to the other side.  They took black electrical tape & wrapped it over my chin around the board & over my forehead around the board.  Next they loaded me on front of the pontoon boat to get me across the lake where the ambulance could reach us.  I told mom to call our pastor
Brother Tim & my close friend Betty whose faith always amazed me.  Prayers were started immediately!

The ambulance arrived & I was transported to Muskogee Hospital which was about a 45 minute drive.  Mom came with me, dad drove his pickup & my children stayed with my brother & my Aunt Debbie & Uncle Joe.  Upon arrival at Muskogee they did an x-ray which showed I had broken my neck at the 5th cervical vertebrae.  Many questions were asked including "Have you been drinking or doing drugs?"  I proudly was able to reply "No".  I had a wild period in 1992 to 1994 which resulted in me becoming addicted to methamphetamine - I checked myself into
Valley Hope & overcame my addiction by looking to God again & by attending Alcholics Anonymous / Narcotics Anonymous.  Drugs nor alcohol played any part in my accident.  I was asked this question what seemed a hundred times!   After determining my neck was broken they gave us the option of staying there or transferring to Tulsa - we decided to transfer to Saint Francis Hospital in Tulsa, Oklahoma.  Muskogee administered a steroid to keep the swelling down while waiting for the helicopter.  It made me sick & they had to insert a tube up my nose into my stomach to pump out stomach contents.   That was a horrible experience!  Our pastor arrived along with Gene & Cheryl Dukes (mom & dad's friends) & was able to pray with me & my mom & dad before the transport to Tulsa.

The helicopter arrived & daddy was allowed to fly with me.  Gene offered to drive daddy's pickup & Cheryl drove mom.  The flight was so loud & only took about 15 minutes.  Upon arrival to Tulsa I guess they gave me something because I only remember bits& pieces.  I remember being very cold  & the sliding of x-ray films.  I woke up while they were doing the MRI - I didn't know where I was - I was very scared - I was completely disoriented!  I remember someone pulling on my rings as I was being rolled down the hallway.  The next thing I remember is staring into my best friend Shanda's eyes thinking "something was really wrong".  She says I just stared into her eyes so deeply as if I wanted her to tell me what was going on.  This was after surgery while I was in recovery.  I still had no idea how severe my injury was.

The doctor's had consulted with mom & dad & recommended decompression & stabilization surgery.  I had a C5 burst fracture with bone fragments retropulsed into the spinal cord.  They agreed to the surgery & were told that even though I had been breathing on my own I would be on a ventilator after the surgery for several days.  They were told I was paralyzed from the neck down & would be a quadriplegic for the rest of my life.   The doctors fused C4 thru C6 & placed a plate on the anterior side of these vertebrae.  The surgery went well & I was placed in ICU.  The doctors were wrong about the ventilator!  I went to recovery without it - Thank you God!

I was in & out  of a morphine induced sleep until Tuesday, June 30, 1998.  I remember people from church coming by & other visitors but don't recall any conversations with them.  I do remember on Tuesday the doctor came in to put on a halo.  He said they were going to give me morphine & I told him "no".  I realized then why I had been out of it!  They shaved my hair off behind my ears to prep my scalp for the pins.  The doctor got a huge needle & told me I would feel several bee stings - they were going to deaden the areas where the pins would go.  They were no bee stings like I had ever gotten!  I told everyone that the bee must have been a foot long!  They placed the halo & screwed in the pins.  It was horrible.  The doctor said I would have to wear it for 12 weeks.  I did.

On Wednesday, July 1, 1998 I was moved to a regular room.  My dad had spent every night with me so my brother & son stayed to give him a break.  My mom had been there daily & was taking care of my daughter at night.  It was on this day I realized the extent of my injury.  I wasn't upset - I had an overwhelming sense of calm & reassured everyone I was going to be okay.  I prayed alot.

Each day brought new strength - on Monday, July 6, 1998 I was transferred to Jim Thorpe Rehabilitation in Oklahoma City, OK.  I remember barely being able to move my arms.  The physical therapist told me I would pass out the first time they sat me up.  I prayed I wouldn't and I didn't - thanks again God.  I had some return of sensation on my arms & hands but I didn't feel hot or cold or pain.  It was long & hard work.  I was there for eight weeks.  I came home for three weeks until the halo came off & then went back for five more weeks.  I currently have good movement & strength in both arms & both wrist entensors.  I don't have any movement in my fingers.  I have some back muscles.  I haven't had any new return since the beginning.

I had a few problems with low blood pressure right after coming home but for the most part I haven't had any major problems.  I feel an electrical current type sensation in my legs & feet most of the time with strong pulsations in my toes & fingertips.  I haven't had much pain - a little in my shoulders & that's it.  I have super sensitive areas on my arms at times that drive me crazy!

I feed myself using a utensil holder that straps to my hand. I turn the TV & stereo on /off using my knuckles.  I do my own makeup (except mascara).  *Update - Dec 99 - I am doing my own mascara - very carefully!  lol!   I drink from a cup with a handle using my thumb to hold it..  I operate my
Gateway computer using a regular mouse & keyboard.  I type with my pinky knuckle.  I use a cordless phone & dial with my tongue.  I also have a speaker phone.  *Update - Feb 2002 - I have been washing my own face, cooking things in the microwave, paying my bills using my computer and printing checks, filling out forms, etc..  These are all things I didn't know if I would be able to do again but slowly I have accomplished these tasks.  I am still learning I can do things myself and it's been over 3 1/2 years since my accident..

My most difficult issue is not being able to care for my daughter.  I am able to hug her which is something I didn't think I would be able to do.  She rides on the back of my chair or on my lap.  I can't physically take care of her but I am still here for her & my son.  I am very thankful for that.  *Update Feb 2002 - Now that she is older I deal with this issue much better.  She is able to do things for herself and helps me a lot.

It's been a long road.  I am here for a purpose and I am still learning what it is.    Please don't forget to leave a message on my message board!

I have realized that thru my accident my faith has become much stronger. 

*Update - Feb 2002 - I am now involved as a leader for my church's
AWANA program and absolutely love it.  I do our point and attendance records on the computer and get a lot of fullfillment by just doing whatever I can do - which is much more than I expected.   I now get to be the stay at home mom I could never be and have a much closer relationship with my son.  Thru tragedy great things have happened and I know great things will continue to happen as long as I keep asking for God's will in my life.
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