A hundred years from now . . .
it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove.  But the world might be different because I was important in the life of a child. (
Author Unknown)
Kelsie 2001
This is my son Kyle who is 16 years old.
He plays football, golf, runs track & does powerlifting.  He makes me very proud!  He was selected to play football in Hawaii this summer for World Class Sports. 
Me & my daughter Kelsie (2 1/2 years old) & on Easter 1999
My daughter & I at Kolache Festival when she was 6 months old. (I made the costume & she won 1st place in the contest)  See photo page 2 for picture from 1998!
My son, neice Lindsey, daughter & I on my 30th birthday!
My nephews
Reagen & Riley
My neice Claire & I
Home Page
Photo Page 2
My Story
Kelsie 3 yrs
Kyle's Page