Camp Nocatee
Camp Nocatee is located just 13 miles out of Clewiston, Fl. It takes about 1 1/2-2 hours driving time to get there from our service units. It's facilities include a pool to swim in, a lake to canoe on, a sports field to play sports in, a farm with animals such as goats, pigs, and chickens, and a nature center to do crafts in. It also has a cafeteria, nurses cabin, staff house, cooks cabin, director's cabin and 5 sites (Little Critter Village, Whispering Pines, Daisy Depot, Rabbit's Foot, and Sleepy Hollow) with 5 cabins a unit house and a bath house.

Site 5 is also wheelchair accessable. It also includes one site only for Cadettes and Seniors which as 3 cabins on stilts and a bath/unit house (Treetops). There are many wonderful things to do at Camp Nocatee
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Camp Telogia
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Camp Telogia is located in Parkland, Fl. It takes about 45 min. driving time to get there from our service units. It includes a unit house,(Green Thumb) which has full cooking facilities, wide open fields to play in, and 2 sites (White Oaks and Sunshine). Each site has tents that are on platforms, a unit house, and outdoor bathrooms. Camp Telogia is recomended for first time campers before they go to Camp Nocatee.
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