Guri Lady's Studio Flower Logo

Guri Lady
Guri Lady

About Me

Related Sites:
BrickWks World
AWBingo World
AW Spades Club
ERB World

World Of The Month:
Fibbles is a fun place to visit!
This world was created by a personal friend of mine, peacfrog!

Coming soon:
Guri Lady's Freebies
TrueSpace Tutorial
Hall of Fame
Rugrats Artwork
Guri Lady Border

AWBingo is the proud recipient of a Cy Award for September 2002 for
Outstanding Performance in Community Groups and Activities.
The Cy Awards 2002 AW Bingo

Flagg , King Tex and AWBingo Host Team for AWBingo, AWBingo2, 3, 4, 5, and x
Thank you Activeworlds Community for your votes and support!

I was one of the honored hostesses on the AWBingo Host Team!!

(¯`'·.¸(¯`'·.¸(¯`'·. Congratulations AWBingo Team!! .·'´¯)¸.·'´¯)¸.·'´¯)

I'm still an active AWBingo Hostess.
I'm proud to serve as a Hostess for AWBingo and the community.
I enjoy hosting. I love chatting with the bingo players and trying to make their time there fun.
I have been a volunteer for AWBingo for over four years and will continue to do so as long as I can.

~ Guri Lady ~

My First Award

My First Award

I received this award June 7, 1999 from the Geocities community for my very first web page. I was very surprised and delighted. Especially when I had just learned how to make a basic web page.

Thank you Geocities Community.

A special thank you goes to my dear friend and Sis, Cathi a.k.a. CatofPern.

Thank you for all your encouragement and help in teaching me my first HTML codes. You were my very first internet friend and you will always hold a special place in my heart. Love yas, girlfriend.

Thank you Cathi!
~ Guri Lady ~

Guri Lady Border

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BrickWks World | AWBingo World
AW Spades Club
About Me | Awards
Links | Portfolio
Guri Lady's Freebies | TrueSpace Tutorial
Hall of Fame | Rugrats Artwork


Last Update: August 30, 2004.
Designed: March 2, 1999
Cy Award pic created by dreamer2
Shine My Light pic created by Geocities.
All other graphics and HTML design on this web page,
© 1998-2004 by Guri Lady's Studio.