Brunswick Super Girls - 2006
With a LOT of help from a bunch of other Moms' (thanks everyone!!) Gretchen coordinates a girls club for 12 of Ingrid's pals. They meet twice a month and do all sorts of fun things. Everyone takes turns hostinig and coming up with things to do. We like to hike and bike. They have been ice skating and sledding. We made terrific Christmas and Valentines presents. It has been a real success. Everyone seems to have a terrific time. We do lots of hands on activities (aka: crafts), we try to do a lot of activities outside. We even went on a camping trip in June. There is a whole page of that trip. Camping
In October we made apple
pie. Yes, from scratch. It was messy - and that's the best part. Well no, the pie tasted pretty good too!! |
In May we hosted a sleepover. The girls had spaghetti dinner together and then we had lots of activities. Each of the Mom's brought one thing to do with them. Then, at 10:30, all of the Moms (save for brave Mrs. Hogan) left and the lights went out. It was a blast and good practice for the camping trip. | |
In November we made birdhouses. David cut out all the pieces, Gretchen & INgrid did their best to sand them - and the girls learned all about phillips screw drivers. Agway donated some birdseed and we learned all about attracting different kinds of birds with different types of seed. Then there is Max!!! | |
Most of the pictures I have are from meetings at our house. If anyone has a picture or two to add - send them on over and I'll add them in!! I know there are lots more out there!! |
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