Summer & Fall - 2006


Well, September rolls around - and we're off to the bus stop again. A mere 3/4 mile walk from our spot in the woods. Wish I could say we walk every day. For the first day of school, this is a family affair. Here they are waiting for the bus their first day of 1st and 3rd Grade. My how the years fly by!!

Here is Ingrid modelling her new dance class practice outfit. She got it for her birthday from her Aunt.

Loves it!!

David is getting ready to build that woodshed. He "found" these nice straight hardwood "stumps" out by the road. GEE - I wonder how that happened. Here is Ingrid stripping the bark from it using Pop Morton's old draw knife. Somehow, I think he'd be real proud of it all.......

The girls gave soccer a try this Fall. Just a short 6 week season. They improved a LOT! Grace was the team goalie. She even blocked a few shots by the end of the season. Ingrid did learn that this wasn't a social event - and that she should do something to help the team get the ball in that net thing - the goal!!! It was a fun time for all of us!

And of course Halloween rolled around again! Ingrid decided to be Miss Liberty. Grace decided she had to be something patriotic too - so, naturally it had to be an animal. So with that factored in - naturally it was a Bald Eagle. They both won costume prizes at the School Halloween Party. Ingrid for Most realistic and Grace for Most Creative. Go Mommy!!!
Well - the other big change this Fall. Grace got her hair cut. It was a major event. She happily donated her hair to Locks of Love. Her price - dinner at Freznos. Why Freznos - well, naturally, they give the kids tattoos. First the haircut, then snack at DD, dance class and then dinner. We weren't sure if she'd get upset. The answer - no - she was ready. It was a fun afternoon for us all.


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