Boer Goat Performance Test Results
Performance testing is the backbone of our operation, and while I'm more concerned with the overall performance of the animals we produce as a group, rather than the performance of a few, it is also very satisfying when one of  your animals wins the test.

The photo above shows MMBG S231Y (left), me (center), and TGF S1470 (right).  S231Y and S1470 were the 2004 ASU Meat Goat Performance Test co-champions.  They both led the field in average daily gain (0.833 lbs/day) and ribeye area (2.4 square inches).  S231Y is a son of our sire Tarzan, and we bred and raised him.  After the test we purchased S1470 from Marvin Shurley's Texas Goat Flock, named him Elmo, and added him to our lineup of top performing sires.  

In 2007 we improved further by producing the top 4 bucks on test (including another champion), the top 3 sires, and the best herd overall, and for an encore in 2008 we produced 3 of the top 5 bucks, the top 3 sires, and the best herd overall.  Click the links below to view the full test results for each year.

2008 ASU Performance Test Results

2007 ASU Performance Test Results

2006 ASU Performance Test Results

2005 ASU Performance Test Results

2004 ASU Performance Test Results

2003 ASU Performance Test Results

2002 ASU Performance Test Results

2001 ASU Performance Test Results

2000 ASU Performance Test Results

1999 ASU Performance Test Results

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This page updated 11/11/08
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