Tinnell, Tennille, Tennell

Genealogy -- Minor Families

Minor families, by definition, are families with at least two generations. Individuals (including couples) who cannot be associated with another generation are to be found in the Genealogy -- Orphans page, in what we affectionately call the orphanage.

Connecting minor families with other families is part of the work that has been undertaken by this large family's researchers, genealogiests, and descendents.

The numbering that is used on this page is explained in full in the Table of Contents.

Minor Families You Will Find Here

George Tinnell of Madison County, Kentucky

GM1 George Tinnell; M; Born: About 1756 in Virginia; Baptized:; Married First: Hannah ----- (the mother of his children; possibly, but not proved, Hannah was his cousin – may have been the daughter of John Tennell of Nelson County, Kentucky; Married Second: Lucille "Lucy" Cox on September 2, 1835, in Madison County, Kentucky; Died: 1841 in Madison County, Kentucky; Buried:; Occupation: Small farmer and carpenter; Education:; Religion:; Died Of:; Parents:; References:; Notes: Served during the American Revolution from 1776 to August 1783 in the Virginia Troop of Horse.

GM1.1 Sally Tennell; F; Born: About 1788; Baptized:; Married: Daniel Isbell in Jessamine County, Kentucky; Died:; Buried:; Occupation:; Education:; Religion:; Died Of:; Parents:; References: Marriage bonds signed by George; Notes:.

GM1.2 Hannah Tennell; F; Born:; Baptized:; Married: ___ Livingston; Died: Ohio; Buried:; Occupation:; Education:; Religion:; Died Of:; Parents:; References:; Notes:.

GM1.3 Polly Tennell; F; Born: Baptized:; Married: Russell Livingston in Jessamine County, Kentucky (brother to her sister Hannah's husband); Died: Ohio; Buried:; Occupation:; Education:; Religion:; Died Of:; Parents:; References:; Notes:.

GM1.4 Daniel Tennell; M; Born: Madison County Kentucky; Baptized:; Married:; Died:; Buried:; Occupation:; Education:; Religion:; Died Of:; Parents:; References:; Notes:.

GM1.5 Sally Tennell; F; Born: About 1782; Baptized:; Married: Married: Daniel Isbell in Jessamine County, Kentucky; Died:; Buried:; Occupation:; Education:; Religion:; Died Of:; Parents:; References:; Notes:.

GM 1.6 Francis "Frank" Tennell; M F; Born:; Baptized:; Married:; Died:; Buried:; Occupation:; Education:; Religion:; Died Of:; Parents:; References:; Notes:.

GM1.7 Joseph Tennell; M; Born: About 1781 in Virginia (in an area which later became Kentucky); Baptized:; Married: Married First: Lucy Isbell on Oct. 10, 1814 in Madison County, Kentucky (She Died: About 1835) (the mother of all of his children); Married Second: Susan Land on November 20, 1836, in Jessamine County, Kentucky; Died:; Buried:; Occupation:; Education:; Religion:; Died Of:; Parents:; References:; Notes:.

GM1.7.1George W. Tennell; M; Born: 1816 in Jessamine County, Kentucky; Baptized:; Married:; Died:; Buried:; Occupation:; Education:; Religion:; Died Of:; Parents:; References:; Notes:.

GM1.7.2 Margaret Tennell; F; Born: About 1817 in Jessamine County, Kentucky; Baptized:; Married:; Died:; Buried:; Occupation:; Education:; Religion:; Died Of:; Parents:; References:; Notes:.

GM1.7.3 Minerva Tennell; F; Born: 1818; Baptized:; Married: April 1, 1833, George W. Dean in Jessamine County Kentucky; Died:; Buried:; Occupation:; Education:; Religion:; Died Of:; Parents:; References:; Notes:.

GM1.7.4 Miranda Tennell; F; Born: November 19, 1819 in Jessamine County, Kentucky; Baptized:; Married: James Harrison Dean (brother to George W Dean) on August 11, 1842 in Johnson County, Indiana; Died: January, 18, 1899, in Howard County Indiana; Buried:; Occupation:; Education:; Religion:; Died Of:; Parents:; References:; Notes:.

GM1.7.5 Serena Tennell; F; Born: About 1820 in Jessamine County, Kentucky; Baptized:; Married: John Dean (brother to George and James Dean) September 3, 1831, in Jessamine County, Kentucky; Died: After 1840, in Indiana; Buried:; Occupation:; Education:; Religion:; Died Of:; Parents:; References:; Notes:.

GM1.7.6 America Tennell; F; Born: About 1816, in Mercer County, Kentucky; Baptized:; Married: Thomas Dean (brother to George, James, and John Dean) on December 22, 1838, in Henry County, Indiana; Died: Between 1890 and 1900 in Indiana; Buried:; Occupation:; Education:; Religion:; Died Of:; Parents:; References:; Notes:.

GM1.7.6.1 Nancy Jane DeanGM1.7.6.2 Susan Dean; M F; Born:; Baptized:; Married:; Died:; Buried:; Occupation:; Education:; Religion:; Died Of:; Parents:; References:; Notes:.

GM1.7.6.3 Keziah Dean; M F; Born:; Baptized:; Married:; Died:; Buried:; Occupation:; Education:; Religion:; Died Of:; Parents:; References:; Notes:.

GM1.7.6.4 Thomas Jefferson Dean; M F; Born:; Baptized:; Married:; Died:; Buried:; Occupation:; Education:; Religion:; Died Of:; Parents:; References:; Notes:.

GM1.7.6.5 John W. Dean; M; Born:; Baptized:; Married:; Died:; Buried:; Occupation:; Education:; Religion:; Died Of:; Parents:; References:; Notes:.

GM1.7.6.6 Serena E. Dean; F; Born:; Baptized:; Married:; Died:; Buried:; Occupation:; Education:; Religion:; Died Of:; Parents:; References:; Notes:.

GM1.7.6.7 James I. "Irv" Dean; M; Born: 1 March 1, 1872 in Mineral Point, Sauk County Wisconsin; Baptized:; Married: Mary Adella Fordyce in Wabash County, Indiana, August 1, 1879; Died: July 10, 1926 in Comstock Township, Kalamazoo MI; Buried:; Occupation:; Education:; Religion:; Died Of:; Parents:; References:; Notes:.

GM1. Gertrude Dean; F; Born:; Baptized:; Married:; Died:; Buried:; Occupation:; Education:; Religion:; Died Of:; Parents:; References:; Notes:.

GM1. Eddie Dean; M; Born:; Baptized:; Married:; Died:; Buried:; Occupation:; Education:; Religion:; Died Of:; Parents:; References:; Notes:.

GM1. Lou Emma Dean; F; Born:; Baptized:; Married:; Died:; Buried:; Occupation:; Education:; Religion:; Died Of:; Parents:; References:; Notes:.

GM1. Oliver Wilbur Dean; M; Born:; Baptized:; Married:; Died:; Buried:; Occupation:; Education:; Religion:; Died Of:; Parents:; References:; Notes:.

GM1. Daisey Dean; F; Born:; Baptized:; Married:; Died:; Buried:; Occupation:; Education:; Religion:; Died Of:; Parents:; References:; Notes:.

GM1. Merl M. Dean; M; Born:; Baptized:; Married:; Died:; Buried:; Occupation:; Education:; Religion:; Died Of:; Parents:; References:; Notes:.

GM1. Wilbur Harold Dean; M; Born: January 8, 1893 in Wabash, Indiana; Baptized:; Married: Nora May Northrop March 8, 1912 in Kalamazoo, Michigan; Died:; Buried:; Occupation:; Education:; Religion:; Died Of:; Parents:; References:; Notes:.

GM1. Rachel Edith Dean; F; Born: January 8, 1913; Baptized:; Married: Peter Slager onJune 1, 1934, in Goshee, Indiana; Died: 4 May 1992 In Vicksburg, Michigan; Buried:; Occupation:; Education:; Religion:; Died Of:; Parents:; References:; Notes:.

GM1. Marlene Adella Ailes; F; Born:; Baptized:; Married:; Died:; Buried:; Occupation:; Education:; Religion:; Died Of:; Parents:; References:; Notes:.

James T. Tennille

JT1 James T. Tennille; M; Born: in Virginia, according to census records; Married: Mary (Molly) Spicer in Robertson Co. Tennessee on 24 Feb 1874; Died: Possibly in 1877 and before 1880; Died of: Possibly TB; References: Notes of Robert Lee Tinnell, 1999; Notes: It is suspected that James T. Tennille is the same person as the James Townsend Tennille who married Sarah Hall and is found living with her and her parents in Manchester, Chesterfield County, VA in the 1860 census. They had two children and James T. spent the entire Civil War period in one of several CSA military units (both Army and Navy). Sarah died in 1872 but I have not yet been able to trace J. T.s movements between the end of the Civil War and what I think is his marriage to my great grandmother in 1774 in Tennessee.

JT1.1 James Monroe Tinnell; M; Born: 6 March 1875 in Tennessee (Nashville?); Married: Grace Adair on 1 Dec 1905 Leon, Decatur Co. Iowa; Died: 30 Aug 1940 at Woodland, Iowa; Buried: Lineville, Iowa; References: Notes of Robert Lee Tinnell, 1999; Notes: An only child; found in the 1880 census at age 5 living in Robertson Co. Tennessee, in the household of James and Emiline Todd (sister of Mary) and the parents and other siblings of Mary (Molly) Spicer Tennille

JT1.1.1 Howard Lee Tinnell; M; Born:1907 in St Louis, Missouri; Married: Charlotte ___; Died: Casper, Wyoming; References: Notes of Robert Lee Tinnell, 1999; Died:.

JT1.1.1.1 Jack Lee Tinnell; M; Born: About 1950

JT1.1.1.2 James Hendrix Tinnell; M; Born: 9 Feb 1909in St. Louis, Missouri; Married: Mary Reba Puthuff 14 May 1932, in Troy, Kansas Died: 25 April 1971, at Omaha Nebraska; Buried at Blanchard, Page County, Iowa; References: Notes of Robert Lee Tinnell, 1999; Notes: Participated in U.S. Army's invasion of Utah Beach on D-Day, WWII.

JT1. Robert Lee Tinnell; M; Born: 21 Sept 1933; Living: Salem, Oregon in 1999;

JT1. Frances Ann; F; Born: 8 Apr 1935; Married: No; Living: Omaha, Nebraska in 1999;

JT1. Roy Edwin; M; Born: 24 Nov 1937; Living: Omaha, Nebraska in 1999;

JT1. Merlin Don; M; Born: 17 Oct 1941; Living: Omaha, Nebraska in 1999;

JT1.1.1.3 Grace Elizabeth Tinnell; F; Born: 1 Oct 1911 at Columbia, Missouri; Married: H. Bedford Ross 8 Oct 1939 at Cameron, Missouri

JT1.1.1.31 Garvin Bedford; M; Born: About 1943

JT1.1.1.4 Lyda Pearl Tinnell b.3 June 1915 at Carlton, Kansas; Married: Not; Died: 19 Apr 1990 at Westminster, Colorado; Buried at: Lineville, Iowa

JT1.1.1.5 Mary Ruth Tinnell; F; Born: 26 May 1921 in Dexter, Kansas; Married: Edward Bajkowski; Died: 1986 or 1987 in Madison Heights, Michigan.

JT1. Judith Bajkowski;

JT1. Patricia Bajkowski;

JT1. Sheila Bajkowski;

JT1. James Bajkowski;

JT1. Daniel Bajkowski;

JT1. Mary (Bella) Bajkowski;

Joseph S. Tinnell

JST1 Joseph S. Tinnell; M; Born: October 22, 1879; Died: March 25, 1911; Buried In: Belleview Church Cemetery, up the hill from the Bell Cemetery, Roanoke County, Virginia.

JST1.1 William E. Tinnell; M; Born; September 7, 1903; Died: September 7, 1903; Parents: Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Tinnell; Buried In: Belleview Church Cemetery, up the hill from the Bell Cemetery, Roanoke County, Virginia.

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