Tinnell, Tennille, Tennell

Family Cemeteries

Tennille Family Cemetery in Monroe, Louisiana

The little cemetery that is on the property that was once Limerick was originally called Wilson Family Cemetery and also Parker Family Cemetery, and in 1976 it was renamed the Tennille Family Cemetery, and re-dedicated by the Fort Miro Chapter of the DAR. At that time they put a tombstone over what they thought was Benjamin Tennille's grave. However, Dr. Russ Williams of Monroe believes that part of the cemetery including Benjamin's grave is actually under the house that is now on the property. Some of the stones that were identified were: Jane St. Claire Tennille Hughes, her husband Gen. John Hughes, and Madison Hall Tennille. Other records copied before the stones were no longer readable, indicate many of the families of Wilson, Hughes, Mortan, Kellam and others who married into the Tennille family are buried there.

Tinnell Family Cemetery on Bent Mountain, Roanoke County, Virginia

How to get there: Take RT. 221 South. Beginning at the intersection of 419 and 221, you will go 6.2 miles on RT 221 toward Bent Mountain. After 5.0 miles, you will pass Back Creek Elementary School on your left. After 5.5 miles, you will pass Haran Baptist Church on your left. Travel only 0.7 miles further and then turn right on Forest Edge Drive. Turn right at the next street, which is Cedar Edge Road. Turn right at the next street, which is Vista Forest Drive. Proceed to #8031 Vista Forest Drive, and drive down the long asphalt driveway to the house. Park at the front of the house, which belongs to Mrs. Flannagan.

As you are facing the front of the house (8031 Vista Forest), walk around the right side of the house and proceed down the hill until you reach the flattened out area. You will notice that there seems to be a path from this yard to the right side. This path is right near a birdhouse that is placed in the yard. You may also see the white sign in a tree, to the right of the yard, that says, "Tinnell Cemetery".

Alternatively, you may be able to drive to the cemetery if you have a truck with a good low gear. Here is how. After you pass the Haran Baptist Church, look on the right side of the road for the mailbox and driveway for Mr. Arnold Duncan at 7673 Bent Mountain Road (Rt. 221). Mrs. Duncan told me that she thought that you could still navigate the road to the cemetery, which is little more than a clear, grass-covered path up the mountain, wide enough though for a vehicle or tractor. If you want to drive to the cemetery, you should call in advance and speak with Mr. or Mrs. Duncan at 540-774-3385.


Tinnell Family Cemetery, Nelson County, Virginia

This location of this cemetery has not yet been discovered. It is reported to contain at least one grave of a Civil War Veteran. It is referenced in a series of books, the names not now known, of interments of CSA Veterans.

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