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Email Search

Internet Address Finder
All in One People Search
Switcboard Phone Directory

People Search

Send the message "send usenet-addresses/Surname" to the address mail-server@BLOOM-PICAYUNE.MI T.EDU to get a listing of people by that name who have put postings on Usenet.

Tripod Genealogy Pod

(Margaret HOLLAND - Thomas HOWARD )
Index of Persons 3010 individuals, 1422 families from file ROYALS.GED (20 NOV 1992)

(Amie Elizabeth HOWARD - George HUDSON )
Index of Persons 4340 individuals, 1606 families from file C:\mac-cole.ged (10 Jul 1998)



ftm_website.gif (3271 bytes)
Howards at Family TreeMaker

Click to visit the Family TreeMaker Home Pages for these HOWARDS...
Amy-D-Howard  Anna-M-Howard  Arnold-M-Howard
Avery-C-Howard  Barbara-E-Howard  Barbara-Jo-Howard
Brian--Howard  Carlton-J-Howard  Carole--Howard
Charles-A-Howard  Charles-E-Howard  Charles-G-Howard
Charolette-A-Howard  Christi-Howard  Clara-M-Howard
Clyde-T-Howard  Daniel--T-Howard  Darryl-P-Howard
David--H-Howard  David-E-Howard  David-Howard
David-W-Howard  Deanna-H-Howard  Debbie-L-Howard
Debra-L-Howard  Dennis-D-Howard  Derral-L-Howard
Donald-M-Howard  Donald-R-Howard  Donald-R-Howard
Doreen-E-Howard  Dorothy-J-Howard  Elaine-V-Howard
Eddie-J-Howard  Edgar--A-Howard  Elaine-F-Howard
Ernest-K-Howard  Etta-Marie-Howard  Francis-E-Howard
Gail-Howard  Gary-D-Howard  Genola-M-Howard
George-A-Howard  Herb-M-Howard  J-M-Howard
James-W-Howard  James-Wayne-Howard  Jason-M-Howard
Jeffrey-K-Howard  Jimmie-Jeanette-Howard  John-A-Howard
John-G-Howard  Julanne-C-Howard  Karen-A-Howard
Karen-S-Howard  Kenneth-H-Howard-III  Kenneth-R-Howard
Kenneth-Wright-Howard  Laura--K-Howard  Laura-J-Howard
Laura-Jill-Howard  Laura-S-Howard  Leonard-R-Howard
Linda-L-Howard  Linda-W-Howard  Lori-Howard
Mark-A-Howard  Martin-R-Howard  Mary-E-Howard
Michael--A-Howard  Michael--R-Howard  Myron-C-Howard
Myron-Cletus-Howard  Nancy-F-Howard  Natalie-I-Howard
Pamela-B-Howard  Pamela-J-Howard  Pat-A-Howard
Patricia-D-Howard  Patricia-L-Howard  Ramonyca-M-Howard
Raymond-B-Howard  Raymond-R-Howard  Reece-H-Howard
Richard-B-Howard  Richard-Howard  Richard-T-Howard
Robert--J-Howard  Robert-A-Howard-Sr  Robert-D-Howard
Robert-L-Howard  Robert-T-Howard  Robin-L-Howard
Robin-Lee-Howard  Rodney-B-Howard  Roy-J-Howard
Roy-W-Howard  Rufus-Howard-Jr  Samuel-A-Howard
Samuel-W-Howard  Sandra-M-Howard  Scott--W-Howard
Sophie-Howard  Stephanie-A-Howard  Steven-G-Howard
Steven-M-Howard  Thomas-A-Howard  Tracy-C-Howard
Vince-L-Howard  Walter-R-Howard  Walter-Robert-Howard
Wilbur-O-Howard  Willard-D-Howard  William-B-Howard
William-F-Howard  William-R-Howard  

FREE Searcheable Genealogy Databases

ROOTS-L Archives
Everton Online Genealogy Database (Some genealogical databases anyone can search, others can be used only by paying customers.)
RSL: ROOTS Surname list (Searcheable listing of genealogical researchers and what surname they are researching.)
Family Tree Maker Online (see what genealogical CD's mention your relatives.)
FREE CD Lookup (Volunteers will look things up in their genealogy CD's for FREE. Useful service when used with FTM CD site.)
Cyber Gadgets Genealogy Metasearch (Multiple genealogical databases can be searched from this page.)
Yahoo Genealogy
Search the Genealogy Toolbox (Multiple genealogical databases can be searched from this page.)
Send the message "SCAN ROOTS-L Surname" to the address LISTSERV@MAIL.EWORLD.COM to get a listing of people by that name who subscribe to the ROOTS-L Genealogy Mailing List.
Kindred Konnections
Genealogy Toolbox Surname/Family Queries (Genealogy postings on the toolbox)
FREE GenServ Sample Search. Send an email message to: gensearch@progcons.com

For Fee Searcheable Genealogy Databases

Kindred Konnections
Everton Online Genealogy Database (Some genealogical databases anyone can search, others can be used only by paying customers.)

Places to Post Genealogical Queries

ROOTS-L Genealogy Mailing List
Genealogy Mailing Lists
Usenet Newsgroups for Genealogy
Helm's Genealogy Toolbox - Surname/Family Queries
Lori's Query Page
Genealogy is My Hobby
Pioneers: A Computer Genealogy Newsletter Query Sumitter (Get your query in a genealogy newsletter for FREE)
Genealogy Chat
Cajun Clickers Genealogy SIG
Lineages Query Page
YourFamily.com Genealogy Bulletin Board
Online Pioneers Query Submission Form

Specialized Places to Post Genealogical Queries

Sleeper Queries Genealogy Newsletter (Sleeper Queries is a quarterly query newsletter focusing on finding "lost" ancestors in NY, CT, RI and VT. No charge to submit queries. Queries may run up to 75 words and must include name, mailing address and email address. Subscriptions are $18 per year with unlimited queries. Their mailing address is: The Sleeper Co., PO Box 6548, El Paso, TX 79906-0548.)

Places That Collect, Preserve, and Share GEDCOMs

The Computerized Ancestor (Order files from, and submit them to this address.)
Sharing List (Submit GEDCOMs to, and order them from this address.)
Georgia-Lina Historical Society GEDCOM Matching Service (You will be emailed a list of people who submitted GEDCOMs that mentioned the same people as your did. File may be sent as a text file if less than 30k or as a UUENCODE file if greater than 30k)
ROOTSBOOK Submissions (MIME encoded data not accepted.)
Everton Online Genealogical Database (For one month you will get to use, for FREE, the databases usually only available to subscribers.)
Kindred Konnections Submissions

Macintosh Genealogy Software

Macintosh Genealogy Software FAQ
ftp://ftp.cac.psu.edu/genealogy/ma c/

Fun Novelty Genealogy Sites

Find Distribution of Your Surname (Type in your name, and you will get a map of its distribution in the US.)
Find Frequency of Your Surname (Type in your name, and you will get statistics about how common it is in the US.)

General Genealogy Sites

Best Genealogy Links on the WWW (A good selection of the best and most usefull genealogy sites.)
RAND Genealogy Club (One of the largest and best genealogy sites around.)
Genealogical Resources on the Internet(THE comprehensive list of genealogy sites.)
genealogy-homepage s.html
Searchable Genealogy Links [Lauren Knoblauch] (VERY extensive listing of searcheable genealogical databases.)
Genealogy Online
The Genealogy Home Page
Yahoo Genealogy
Cyndi's Genealogy Sites (Massive listing of genealogy sites listed by category.)

Adoption Sources

Adoption Network
Adoption Triad Resources

Beginner's Guides

Excellent Sources For Those Just Beginning Their Search
Family Tree Maker - A How-To Guide
Treasure Maps - The How-to WWW Genealogy Site

Civil War Research Sites

Civil War Poetry and Music

Guides and Other Sources

Family History Centers - L.D.S.
Family Tree Maker Online
Index to Genealogical WWW Pages
NetGuide: Genealogist's Guide to Internet (George Archer)

Library and Miscellaneous Sources

Birmingham, AL USA: Birmingham Public Library
Maps Can Help You Trace Your Family Tree
Perry-Castaneda Library Austin, TX - Map Collection

Links to Genealogy Sites

Ancestors Homepage
Brian's Hotlist
Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet
Everton's Online Database
Genealogical Journeys In Time
Gene Stark's Experimental GenWeb Index
GenWeb's Index to Surname Databases
German Town Locator
Helm's Genealogy Toolbox
Jack Chapman
Janyce's Root Diggin' Dept.
Kansas One Room School House Project
Kansas Online
Lori's Home Page
Mark and Cyndi's Family Tree
Ohio River Valley Families
Palatine & Pennsylvania-Dutch Genealogy
Rand Genealogy Club
Reinhart Genealogy / Niedernberg, Germany
Ron's Genealogy Tangent
ROOTS Surname Search
The Gene Pool: JTRs Colorful Family
Tim Doyle
Tisbury, MA History and Genealogy Page
Stephen Wood's Genealogy Home Page

Links to Ireland and Scotland Research

The Gathering of the Clans (Scott Agnew)
UK Ireland Guide