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Welcome to the Howard Family Web Ring.
This is where all the Howard Family Hunters who own a web page or who use Email
for Howard Genealogy can join the ring and connect to a whole new way of surfing to Howard
Family web pages.
Your page must have "Howard Family" information on it. For example, a
"Howard" in your family tree.
You agree to list each of your web sites individually.
You agree that you will not modify the Web Ring code, except as described on this
web site.
You agree to report misuse and/or abuse of the Howard Family Web Ring to the Web
Ring Master promptly.
If your site is a commercial site, you agree to accept the Web Ring Master's
decision to add or remove your web site.

Here are the ways to use the Web Ring:
I WANT TO JOIN... I have a web page and can add HTML code to it.
I WANT TO JOIN... I have a web page that was created using Family Tree
Maker and I want to link it to the Ring.

JOIN... I have a web page and I cannot or don't know how to add HTML code to it.

WANT TO JOIN... I have a web page and I would like code for a link to the Howard Family
Web Ring.
 | Here it is, copy it to your Web Page:
Howard Family Web Ring Sites
if you would like to use it...it is transparent...
I want to know how to use the Web Ring in my Email.
To edit your site info, click here... Edit
Your Site Info.
To view a list of current members, click here... View a
List of Members.

This is what the STANDARD ring code will look like on your Web page.
The Howard Family Web Ring
is owned by Jim Howard. Want to join? CLICK HERE. |
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