Think Tank Ideas for activities to do WITH your children
Below are some ideas for activities to do with your children, we have found them to be a help in bonding us together as a new family.
We hope they are helpful to you as you join with your children in doing them.
Craft Activities.
As a family we are quite Crafty, we enjoy making things and getting messy.
This may not be your idea of fun, but we have found this to be a great time to get to know each other better as we join together to make something.
We have found this to be a great family activity to do WITH our children, you just need some paper this can be ordinary A4 paper or you can get the special Origami paper and you need a good Origami book, and begin helping your children to make the simple models, soon you will ALL be making some really good Origami models together.
All children love to draw, now don't worry if you can't draw at all or if you're not that good at drawing, that doesn't matter, just get TOGETHER WITH your children and use your imagination, soon you'll all be drawing together, this activity will really help you to bond with your children.
This maybe a new one to you but it is a winner with the children, get some paper doileys, (The ones you can get to put cakes on) and some Felt Tip Pens and just go ahead and find patterns in the design on the Doiley and get colouring, you can make some great patterned pictures.
Going for walks WITH your children can be a really way of getting to know them, as you walk, your children will relax and open up, and you will be able to have a good chat with them, they will probably tell you allsorts of things, that they may not usually get chance to share with you, this can be a really valuable and precious time.
If you do not know where you can go for walks in your locality you can probably pick up some leaflets in your local Library or Tourist Information Centre, so go ahead get some leaflets and take a walk WITH your children.
Our children have so many videos, and they watch them quite often, but it is good to watch them WITH them, they are pleased that you have taken time out to watch with them.
You can also watch some films WITH them that you enjoy, it is good for you to share films with them, this time can be a very enjoyable one for all.