Founding is a simple truth which adults find difficult to comprehend, because of a hardening of one's heart. Children who delight in fantasy, imagination, and less complex issues and dogmas bring joy to us who are parents and teachers. We should listen and participate with them. This web site is dedicated to the child in all of us and the teacher we would all hope to be.
You will find throughout our production various ways to assist our disABLED experience a more satisfying Suring experience, either as a hunter or gatherer. These assistive methods also benefit those who have no disabilities.
title attribute is used to provide additional information about a graphic.
order is used in pages where navigation may be problematic.
is using the small size font, which will enable a visitor the ability to change
the font size with their browser to accommodate reading problems, if any.
site map contains every section of our production.
Access keys are provided, although they have some limitations and browser support at present.
Pages which are longer than three scrolls have a access key for returning to the top of page.
honestly try to remember checking for WAI, W3C and WDG before we upload new
pages or make revisions. Those steps are detailed below.
DCA has taken steps to ensure that the pages on this Web site are at least minimally accessible to people with disabilities who use assistive technology to access the Internet. We follow the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 1.0 which are standards created by the World Wide Web Consortium's Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI). WCAG 1.0 compliance levels are described as single-A (meets all priority 1 checkpoints), double-A (meets all priority 1 and 2 checkpoints), and triple-A (meets all priority 1, 2, and 3 checkpoints). To the best of our knowledge this Web site conforms to the section 508 compliance level or better.
If you wish to either validate or view for accessibility, our web pages or those of your own, please use the links shown below.
Limited use of AccessKeys and non graphic pages are made for demonstration purposes.
Validation in accordance with W3C standards is the first step toward accessibility. We have almost universal acceptance through actual implementation, that faster page loads and a smaller foot print are achieved when pages meet W3C standards. Therefore we make every attempt to validate our pages prior to publication by using the following tools locally and which you may also find online.
A Web site URL may become nonfunctional for a variety of reasons which include the following:
Therefore we make periodic checks for our internal and external web site using Xenu.