Current Investigation Updates
April 28, 2001.
I originally had to move most of Sabrina's site to Geocities due to the number of visitors to her site. It is now rumored that Geocities is going to pull the plug on all of it's free websites. Hopefully this rumor is not true, but I didn't want to take the chance in not having Sabrina's site available to you. Therefore, I have moved all of Sabrina's pages back to my own server. For any future updates, please view: For any other pages on Sabrina's site, please go back to her Main Site. Thank you for your continued loyalty in our quest to find Sabrina.
March 30, 2001.
Television Appearances:
The View - Will air Monday, April 2, 2001 on ABC.
March 27, 2001.
WFTS Channel 28 News - Aisenbergs want compensation.
March 26, 2001.
Future Television Appearances and Interviews:
The View - taping in the next few days. The showing is unknown.
The Tampa Tribune - Aisenbergs Seeking Millions of Dollars for Attorneys' Fees. The couple accused of lying to investigators over the 1997 disappearance of their baby girl are seeking nearly $1.7 million from the federal government. Steve and Marlene Aisenberg say lies and misrepresentations by county detectives and federal prosecutors entitle them to the reimbursements. The Aisenbergs are using a 1997 federal law known as the Hyde Amendment as a basis for their claim. Earlier this year a federal judge dismissed the indictments after it became obvious secretly recorded tapes would not to be admitted as evidence in a trial against them.
Bay News 9 - Aisenbergs File For Compensation
March 24, 2001.
WTVT Fox 13 - Aisenberg Court Costs.
The clock is ticking for Steve and Marlene Aisenberg to recoup legal fees. That's after prosecutors dropped charges of lying to a grand jury against the parents of missing baby Sabrina. Now, they're eligible to be reimbursed for their legal expenses under the Hyde Amendment. Monday is the deadline for them to file the necessary paperwork. Experts say the Aisenbergs' defense had to cost millions.
March 23, 2001.
An upcoming appearance on March 26, 2001 - The Montel Williams Show - Interview with Steve and Marlene Aisenberg.
March 18, 2001.
St. Petersburg Times - Aisenberg case moves to TV
March 9, 2001.
Dateline NBC - Searching for Sabrina - A striking turn in the case of a missing child.
March 8, 2001.
Interview tomorrow:
Dateline NBC - March 9, 2000 - 1 hour special.
March 7, 2001.
March 1, 2001.
Interviews today:
Today's News:
CNN News - Couple cleared seek help finding daughter.
February 28, 2001.
Upcoming Interviews:
People Magazine Today's News:
The Tampa Tribune - Aisenbergs launch blitz of national interviews.
February 27, 2001.
Upcoming Interviews:
Bay News Nine - Tuesday, February 27, 2001. Tune in tonight at 8:30 p.m. and 10:30 p.m for this in-depth interview. You can catch this special conversation only on Bay News 9.
Today's News:
WTSP Channel 10 News - Charges gone, Aisenbergs seek help finding daughter.
February 26, 2001.
Upcoming Interviews:
The Today Show - Tuesday, February 27, 2001. Today's News:
WTVT Fox 13 News - Aisenbergs Return to Tampa Bay.
February 25, 2001.
St. Petersburg Times - Colleagues say new Aisenberg attorney will do professional job.
February 24, 2001.
The Washington Post - Case Dismissed for Md. Parents of Missing Girl.
February 23, 2001.
St. Petersburg Times - Inquiry starts in Sabrina case.
February 22, 2001.
The Tampa Tribune - Case Against Parents of Missing Baby Officially Over.
St. Petersburg Times - Some just keep seeking Sabrina.
February 21, 2001.
Reuters - Criminal Case Over Missing Florida Baby Dropped.
February 20, 2001.
St. Petersburg Times Editorial - One case imperils officers' careers.
February 19, 2001.
The Tampa Tribune - Daniel Ruth's Column - Sleep well. Cal is concerned.
February 18, 2001.
St. Petersburg Times - What was not heard, what finally was said.
February 17, 2001.
The Tampa Tribune - Aisenberg indictment scrutinized.
February 16, 2001.
The Tampa Tribune - Federal prosecutors keep lips sealed about direction of Aisenberg case.
February 15, 2001.
The Tampa Tribune - Aisenberg detectives 'reckless'.
February 14, 2001.
The Tampa Tribune - Federal judge recommends secret tapes be thrown out.
December 29, 2000.
St. Pete Times Editorial - Adding to a tragedy.
December 23, 2000.
The Tampa Tribune - Former deputy says, `I heard what I heard'
December 22, 2000.
The Associated Press - Loss of Secretly Recorded Tapes Could Gut Missing Baby Case
December 21, 2000.
The Tampa Tribune Editorial- End the discredited Aisenberg case
December 20, 2000.
The Tampa Tribune - Suspicions about Aisenbergs recounted
December 19, 2000.
The Tampa Tribune - Aisenberg tapes are worse, despite expert, judge says
December 18, 2000.
The Tampa Tribune - Detective spends 2nd day defending Aisenberg bugs
December 16, 2000.
The St. Pete Times - Doctor denies determining Sabrina was abused
December 15, 2000.
The Tampa Tribune - Detective admits bug applications had inaccuracies
December 14, 2000.
Associated Press - Defense Grills Detective in Aisenberg Case
December 13, 2000.
The Tampa Tribune - Aisenberg witness testifies
December 12, 2000.
The Tampa Tribune - Judge Says He Can't Remember Particulars in Aisenberg Case
December 11, 2000.
The Tampa Tribune (later edition) - Aisenberg Attorneys Quiz Witnesses About Abuse Allegations
December 7, 2000.
The Tampa Tribune - Aisenberg prosecutors pit private expert against FBI
December 6, 2000.
The Tampa Tribune - Aisenbergs trying to subpoena judge
November 23, 2000.
The Tampa Tribune - Filings defend Aisenberg tapes
November 22, 2000.
Fox 13 News - New Tapes In Aisenberg Case
November 20, 2000.
The Washington Post - Case May Weaken Against Md. Pair; Judge Questions Audiotapes Made After Baby Vanished
November 14, 2000.
St. Pete Times - Aisenberg prosecutors suffer setback in court
November 13, 2000.
Fox 13 News Brief - Poor Audio On Aisenberg Tapes? **These stories appeared after the newspaper was published.
November 8, 2000.
The Tampa Tribune - Prosecutors appeal Aisenberg ruling
November 3, 2000.
The Tampa Tribune - Judge in Sabrina case says no delay
November 2, 2000.
The Tampa Tribune - Prosecutors seek further delay to review tapes in Aisenberg case
October 31, 2000.
The Tampa Tribune - Aisenbergs' lawyers want expert's notes
October 30, 2000.
Channel 10 News - Aisenberg lawyer seeks FBI info
October 26, 2000.
The Tampa Tribune - Aisenberg lawyers demand FBI notes
October 23, 2000.
The Tampa Tribune
October 20, 2000.
The Tampa Tribune - Searchers finished digging in Pasco
October 19, 2000.
The Tampa Tribune - Homicide Investigators search Pasco home
October 18, 2000.
WFLA Channel 8 News - Homicide Investigators search Pasco home
October 17, 2000.
The Tampa Tribune - Aisenbergs dispute claims that led to bugs
October 7, 2000.
The Tampa Tribune - Tapes in Aisenberg case could play in open court
Sabrina's Current Updates.
The Montel Williams Show - Interview with Steve and Marlene Aisenberg. This is a repeat from last week and will re-air Monday, April 2, 2001.
WFLA Channel 8 News - Aisenberg lawyers want fees reimbursed.
The Tampa Tribune - Aisenberg lawyers want fees reimbursed.
The St. Pete Times - Couple could get millions for fees.
The St. Pete Times Commentary By Mary Jo Melone - Wanted: prosecutor, must be self-starter.
Ladies Home Journal - Interview is complete. Should appear in the next issue.
Today, March 26, 2001 appearance on - The Montel Williams Show - Interview with Steve and Marlene Aisenberg. This show will re-air next week (Monday April 2, 2001).
WTSP Channel 10 News - Aisenbergs seek millions of dollars to cover attorneys fees.
WTVT Fox 13 - Aisenbergs Seek $1.7 Million.
Bay News 9 - Aisenbergs May Seek Compensation
Inside Edition
Court TV - Catherine Crier Live
CNN's Burden of Proof - Thursday, March 1, 2001
The Washington Post - The Loss of a Child, but Not Faith.
Bay News 9 - Aisenbergs Kick Off Media Tour in Tampa
Dateline NBC - March 9, 2000 - 1 hour special.
St. Petersburg Times Editorial - Look beyond the detectives.
St. Petersburg Times - Attorney studying Aisenberg case is a 'professional'.
Tampa Tribune Editorial - Investigate Aisenberg prosecutors.
Tampa Tribune Editorial - A chapter closed in Aisenberg case.
St. Petersburg Times - Wolfinger prepares investigation.
The Tampa Tribune - State to probe Aisenburg case.
The Tampa Tribune - Daniel Ruth's Column - Plenty of `concern' to go around.
The Orlando Sentinel - Missing baby's parents off the hook.
St. Petersburg Times (temporary) - Judge officially ends Aisenberg case.
Bay News 9 - Governor Jeb Bush appoints special prosecutor to probe Aisenberg allegations.
St. Petersburg Times - Aisenbergs: Now go and find our daughter.
St. Petersburg Times - Investigation sought on detectives' conduct.
St. Petersburg Times - Major figures in the Aisenberg case.
St. Petersburg Times - Major events in the Aisenberg case.
The Tampa Tribune - Sabrina case collapses.
The Tampa Tribune - Ober asks Bush for special prosecutor.
The Tampa Tribune - U.S. attorney's office under fire for dropped cases.
The Tampa Tribune - Valrico runs hot and cold on case.
The Tampa Tribune - Aisenberg case chronology.
The Washington Post - Case Against Bethesda Couple Over Missing Baby Falls Apart.
Bay News 9 - Prosecutors throw in the towel in quest for convictions against Steve and Marlene Aisenberg.
WTPS Channel 10 News - Tampa prosecutors ask that charges against Aisenbergs be dropped.
WFTS Channel 28 News - Motion filed to dismiss charges against Aisenbergs.
St. Petersburg Times (Temporary Site) - Aisenberg prosecutors say drop charges.
The Tampa Tribune - Charges against Aisenbergs may be dropped.
The Tampa Tribune - The Aisenberg Case - A Time Line.
The Tampa Tribune - State attorney flagging cases of 2 detectives.
The Washington Post - Charges May Be Dropped in Baby Case.
The Tampa Tribune Editorial - Federal case against the Aisenbergs, based on tainted evidence, should end.
St. Petersburg Times - Aisenberg case dealt another serious blow.
St. Petersburg Times - Questions swirl in Sabrina case.
Daniel Ruth's Column - Just who are the bad guys again?
St. Petersburg Times Editorial - The truth gets lost in translation.
WFTS News 28 - Aisenbergs react to judge's recommendation.
WTVT Fox 13 News - New Concern For Aisenberg Prosecutors.
WTSP Channel 10 News - Report puts Aisenberg case in limbo.
St. Petersburg Times - Judge: Suppress Aisenberg tapes.
WFTS News 28 - Aisenberg evidence in trouble.
WTSP Channel 10 News - Judge recommends dismissing Aisenberg evidence.
Bay News Nine - Federal judge recommends taped evidence against Aisenberg's be suppressed.
St. Pete Times - Key witness delivers for Aisenberg prosecutors.
WFLA Channel 8 News - Court hearing ends on bugging in Aisenberg investigation.
The Tampa Tribune - Deputy who monitored Aisenberg bugs is tone deaf
St. Pete Times - Aisenberg spying extension unlawful.
WTSP Channel 10 News - Doctor bolsters government’s case against Aisenberg.
The Tampa Tribune - FBI believed Sabrina possibly sold, agent says
St. Pete Times - Deputies' methods assailed in Aisenberg investigation.
St. Pete Times - The other casualty in the tragedy of Sabrina.
St. Pete Times - Detective testifies in Aisenberg case.
WFTS Channel 28 News - Aisenbergs might have abused missing daughter.
The Associated Press - Judge Questions Condition of Tapes in Aisenberg Case
St. Pete Times - Tapes leave listeners doubtful.
WTSP Channel 10 News - Prosecution's expert witness grilled by Aisenberg lawyers.
WFTS Channel 28 News - Government expert testifies about tapes in missing baby case.
Bay News 9 - Aisenbergs Head Back To Court.
The St. Pete Times - Detective in Aisenberg case grilled on bugging
WTSP Channel 10 News - Defense grills detective in Aisenberg case
Bay News 9 - The Aisenbergs are back in federal court
The Tampa Tribune - Aisenberg tapes barely audible
The Tampa Tribune - Aisenberg Lawyers Try to Derail Government Case
The St. Pete Times - Aisenberg recordings called unintelligible
WFTS Channel 28 News - Judge says he's fuzzy on wiretap approval process
The St. Pete Times - Witness says he trusted detectives' evidence
WFTS Channel 28 News - Aisenberg lawyers quiz witnesses about abuse allegations
WTPS Channel 10 News - Aisenberg attorneys quiz witnesses about abuse allegations
The Tampa Tribune - 2 experts see no Sabrina injuries
The St. Pete Times - Witnesses: We saw no signs of abuse
WFLA Channel 8 News - Aisenberg attorneys get to quiz law enforcement over tapes
WFTS Channel 28 News - Aisenberg lawyers get to quiz police over tapes
The Tampa Tribune (morning edition) - Aisenberg Attorneys Get to Quiz Law Enforcement Over Tapes
The St. Pete Times - U.S. loses a round in baby Sabrina case
The St. Pete Times - Expert's past raises queries
Channel 28 News - Judge refuses to quash subpoenas for detectives, judge
The St. Pete Times - Aisenbergs want judge to testify
The St. Pete Times - Part of Aisenberg response is sealed
The Associated Press - Government Responds to Order on Aisenberg Tape Audibility
The Tampa Tribune - Aisenberg recordings `largely inaudible'
WFTS Channel 28 - Judge deals blow to case against Aisenbergs
**The Tampa Tribune - Federal Judge Deals Blow to Case Against Parents of Missing Baby
Channel 10 News - Judge's order hurts prosecutors in Aisenberg case
Bay 9 News - Some Recordings May be Allowed in Court
Channel 8 News - Judge in Sabrina case says no delay
The St. Pete Times - Aisenbergs' attorneys to get notes on tapes
The St. Pete Times - Aisenbergs' attorneys want notes on tapes
Waiter! There's a bug in this case
The Tampa Tribune - Ground-penetrating radar used in search for Sabrina Aisenberg
St Pete Times - Search for Sabrina redoubled
St Pete Times - Secrecy, search for baby continue
Channel 10 News - Detectives search house and pond for clues in Aisenberg case
St Pete Times - House searched for baby's body
Bay News 9 - Detectives Show Renewed Vigor In Search For Aisenberg Baby
WFTS Channel 28 News - Police search home sold by father of missing baby
Channel 10 News - Police search old Aisenberg home
The Associated Press - Detectives Search Home Sold by Father of Vanished Baby
Tampa Bay Online - Homicide Investigators search Pasco home
Video highlights of the case
The Aisenberg Case - A Time Line
The Associated Press - Hearing to See if Tampa Police Misled Judge in Missing Baby Case
The Tampa Tribune - Sabrina case ruling puts detectives on defense
WFLA Channel 8 News - Sabrina case ruling puts detectives on defense
WFTS Channel 28 News - Detectives criticized in Aisenberg case
Channel 10 News - Judge orders hearing on Aisenberg wiretap
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