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Carbon Uni
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Old Kites
Build Kite
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- Yahoo! Groups Foildesign
Traders buggy
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- Libre
- Powerkiteshop
- www.tractionkitesuk.co.uk good second hand stuff
- Aeolos Homepage
- Daves water kites
- Flexifoil Forums - Home MAde Buggys, All the Info I can find in one thread.
- Pointnorth.co.uk - Mail order performace fabrics
- The Buggy I Built
- Welcome to Coastguard Kites
- Wheels and Castors in plastic, steel and cast iron - over 3000 items
- A Boat Show on the Internet.
- Book Detail Display
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- Canals.com
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Nokia Flash
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- www.divineo.co.uk - Mobile-Nokia Category
- Aeroplane Builders South Africa
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- CozyAircraft Home Page
- Cri Cri.co.uk
- CRICRI MC15 Website, Magical plane
- CriCri Victor Asp
- Homebuilt.org
- Jannie Versfeld's Cozy-MKIV 540
- Neals Aircraft Building webpage
S.W.A buggy trip
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- Namibian Sample Sites
Screen print
- Google Search Speedball Screen Printing in the UK
- The Twin Cities Green Guide DO-IT-YOURSELF Screenprinting
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- UK Hash House Harriers
Sky diving
- Alti-2 home page
- Dirtdive.co.uk - Skydiving Portal for the UK
- Gear-store.com - Skydiving and Parachuting Equipment and Accessories
- Quiksilva 4 Way FS Team
- The British Parachute Association
- ADSLguide Internet Service Providers - Summary
- blogger weblog with manic etc @ bloggerheads.com
- Dictionary.com
- Lighthouse Webcam - Panorama
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- Speed Sailing Web Links - Boats
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- Urban Legends Reference Pages Toxin du jour
- Yahoo! Groups kitebuggy
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