
It is very easy to be taken in by someone, especially if they are good talkers and good looking. We believe what they tell us and afterwards, when we realise we have been DECEIVED, we feel so foolish! Then, we could kick ourselves, that we were so gullible.

Maybe you have been let down by someone recently. Well, if that's the case, take heart and be strong; you can move on again, with God's help. Remember that God loves you and He won't allow you to get stuck here!

Continuing in our Joshua story, there was a time when Joshua was DECEIVED and boy,what a FOOL he felt! A band of men walked into Israel's camp, one day and said they were from a far country. Their donkeys were loaded with worn out sacks and old wineskins, cracked and mended. The men had worn and patched sandals on their feet and wore old clothes. All the bread of their food supply was old and mouldy. They appeared to be genuine, so Joshua believed their story and made a treaty with them. You can read the story for yourself in Joshua chapter 9.

However, when we look carefully, we find something very important in verse 14, "The men of Israel sampled their provisions but did not enquire of the LORD." You see, Joshua judged the situation by what he could see and hear and did not ASK God, who can see into the HEART. Three days later Joshua discovered that he'd been tricked and lied to. The men were Gibeonites, a group of people whom Joshua had to conquer next to possess the Promised Land.

Well, you know, there are so many lies being told today, and so many people who are not genuine, that we really do need HELP to live our lives successfully. Thankfully we can find the HELP we need in the Lord Jesus. He is always there to HELP, if we ASK Him and He KNOWS what is inside a person's heart. He can keep us right! HE IS A GENUINE FRIEND!

COME to the Lord Jesus TODAY, and put your TRUST in Him as your SAVIOUR and as your LORD. You know, it is the Devil who DECEIVES men and women. He often succeeds in getting people to PUT OFF making their DECISION to TRUST in the Lord Jesus Christ. But REMEMBER that it is not enough to be an ALMOST-CHRISTIAN! In actual fact, HELL is full of ALMOST-CHRISTIANS because you see, to be an ALMOST-CHRISTIAN is to be LOST! How sad!

Well, don't you allow Satan to DECEIVE you today.

The Bible says, "I tell you, NOW is the time of God's favour, NOW is the day of salvation." (2 CORINTHIANS 6:2)

Pray this prayer right now, as you sit at your screen..

"Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I won't allow Satan to trick me into putting off my DECISION a moment longer. I TRUST in You, right now, as my SAVIOUR and LORD. Thank You for dying for my sin on the Cross. Forgive me and LIVE in my heart. Make me brand new. Thank You for Your great love for me. Amen"


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