A choice

We come now to a final thought from the life of Joshua. By this time Joshua was an old man, approaching 110 years old. He had a lot of experience and called the nation of Israel together to give them some final advice. He knew that after his death the people would come under a lot of pressure from the nations around them, to "ease off " in their stand for the LORD, to be like them, and to have other gods!

Maybe you have been under that kind of pressure, lately. Someone, perhaps a friend or relative or a colleague at work - maybe even someone at your church; wants you to compromise and do things that you know would be wrong for you, as a committed Christian!

Joshua, as wise, old soldier, encouraged the people to STAND TRUE to the LORD. That is GOOD ADVICE FOR YOU AND ME TODAY!

Firstly, he reminded the people of all the WONDERFUL things God had done for them, in rescuing them from Egypt and bringing them into the beautiful Promised Land. Then, he called upon them to make a CHOICE ..

".. choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve.." (JOSHUA 24:15)

From time to time, all of us are faced with this CHOICE; whether to serve the LORD or to please someone else, or ourselves. Joshua went on to tell the people that he, himself had made his own, personal CHOICE ..

".. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."

Here was a Leader of a Nation, setting an example to his people. He was a great Leader, because he served a Great God. But whether we are Leaders or just ordinary people, we all need to face up to the challenge, personally. Can we ask you, kindly, "WHO WILL YOU SERVE?"

Think again, of all the Lord Jesus has done for you. He left the glory of Heaven, came down to Earth and DIED for your SIN on the CROSS. His precious blood was poured out for YOU, because He LOVED YOU and wanted to give YOU the Promised Land of HEAVEN, to be YOUR home for ever. How can you refuse Him tonight? Will you turn away to try to please another, who cannot love you the way He can? If you want to please yourself, you know you are going to end up in a real mess!

Be like Joshua, and say, "I WILL SERVE THE LORD."

Pray this prayer ..

"Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I do thank You, for all You have done for me, in dying for my sin, on the Cross. Thank You, for all the many things, You have given to me, every day, till now. Thank You, that You have prepared a beautiful home for me in Heaven, for ever. How can I hold back? I just COME to You and I will SERVE You, as You enable me. I love You, Lord. Amen."


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