A-chan of worms ..

We now come to the story of a man called Achan, who really opened a can of worms when he stole a designer coat and a few thousand pounds, from the plunder of Jericho, which all belonged to the LORD.

Because of Achan's sin, God refused to help Joshua's army, when he attacked a small fort at a place called Ai. The Israeli troops were defeated and thirty six men died in battle. You can read the story in Joshua chapter 7.

Achan's sin was found out and he, all his family and his animals were stoned to death, burned and buried under a pile of rocks in the Valley of Achor (which means trouble). After this, the LORD turned from His fierce anger and enabled Joshua's men to defeat Ai.

Some of you may be thinking, "Wasn't the LORD awfully HARD here?" But God is teaching us that SIN IS A TERRIBLE THING THAT BRINGS DREADFUL CONSEQUENCES! We need to be very aware of this TODAY, when people are saying that it doesn't really matter what we do. IT MATTERS A LOT!

In the Bible we read these words, ".. after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin when it is full-grown, gives birth to death." (James 1:15)

You see when Achan saw the lovely coat and the money he desired them for himself. Then he let the desire give birth to sin, and he stole them. Then after a time his sin was full-grown and it gave birth to death - it destroyed him! SIN IS A TERRIBLE THING AND BRINGS DREADFUL CONSEQUENCES!

Make no mistake about it - SIN will DESTROY you and will take you down to HELL for all ETERNITY! These are solemn words but true.


Well, the way is made very clear for us in the Bible, which says, "The wages of sin is death (that is to be separated from God forever in the place called Hell) but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." (Romans 6:23)

GOD'S WAY IS THE JESUS WAY .. we are SAVED and FORGIVEN, the moment we TRUST in the Lord Jesus Christ, who died for our sins and rose again!

Pray this prayer, right now, as you sit at your screen ..

"Dear Lord Jesus, I admit I have sinned and that my sin is terrible in Your sight. My sin put You on a cross. It should have been me there, but You took my place and died for me. Right now I turn from all sin and wrong and TRUST in You. Come into my heart, by Your Spirit and help me to live a new life, for You, each day. Thank You for loving me. Amen."


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