Don't shoot.. Shout!

What do you do when you have to make an important decision? Do you ask for advice or just go ahead on your own?

Maybe you have to make up your mind about something, right now, and you are anxious that you'll get it right!

In the Bible we find that God is a person who really CARES for ordinary folk and GUIDES them through LIFE. He is there, for you, to help you in the choices you have to make. He wants you to be a SUCCESS - and you simply cannot be a FAILURE, if you allow Him to GUIDE you!

In our Joshua story, we now come to the part where God led the people of Israel, to cross over the flooded River Jordan. The LORD guided Joshua to let the priests step into the water first; bearing the Ark of the Covenant (a golden box, carried on poles symbolising God's presence). Immediately, the River dried up, probably caused by a rock fall 18 miles upstream at a place called Adam. The people all crossed safely, as the priests stood in the middle of the River bed. When they were all safely across, the River flowed strongly, once again. SUCCESS AS A RESULT OF ALLOWING GOD TO GUIDE THEM!

Shortly after this the LORD told Joshua how to capture the great walled city of Jericho. The army, with the priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant in the middle,had to march around the city, once a day for six days. On the seventh day, the LORD told them to march around seven times. The seventh time round, they gave a great SHOUT, at God's command, and the walls came crashing down, without a shot being fired! Joshua's men charged straight in, and captured the city! SUCCESS AGAIN, AS A RESULT OF ALLOWING GOD TO GUIDE THEM!

It is very important to note that when we ask the LORD to GUIDE us, we must be prepared to follow HIS WAY and not our OWN WAY. Though we may not always understand God's WAY, if we are prepared to FOLLOW, there will be SUCCESS!

The MAIN way that God GUIDES us today, is through His Word, the Bible. Could we encourage you to read it today. Why not start at MARK or JOHN in the New Testament? Ask the LORD to GUIDE you - and He WILL!


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