Joshua .. Crossing over!


If they'd had newspapers in Joshua's day, this story would have made the headlines, for sure, "PROSTITUTE COMES TO GOD!"

In chapter 2, of the Book of Joshua, we read that Joshua sent out two spies to look over the land, before he attacked. The spies came to the great city of Jericho, which was next on Joshua's hit-list. They stayed at the house of a woman called Rahab, who happened to be a prostitute.

Rahab knew that her city was doomed and that the Israelites would destroy it, so she was determined to put her trust in the LORD. She hid the spies from the King's men and made them promise, before the LORD, to spare her life and the lives of her family, when Israel's armies attacked Jericho.

The spies agreed, on the condition that she tied a scarlet cord in her window and made all her relatives stay inside the house when the fighting began. After she let the spies escape through her window, Rahab tied the scarlet cord there. She depended on the scarlet cord and on the word of the spies! When the terrible destruction of Jericho took place, Rahab and her family were the only ones SAVED, out of the whole city!

This story teaches us a lot about, HOW TO BE SAVED. Like Rahab we live in a world that is doomed and that the Lord will destroy, because of man's sin. There is only ONE WAY we can be SAVED. We need to depend upon the scarlet cord, which for us is the BLOOD of the Lord Jesus, which He shed for our sins upon the cross!

".. the blood of Jesus, His Son, purifies us from all sin." 1ST JOHN 1:7

Also we need to depend on the Word of the Lord Jesus, when He promises..

"I tell you the truth, He who BELIEVES has everlasting life." JOHN 6:47

The exciting thing is, that YOU CAN BE ETERNALLY SAVED, right now as you sit at your computer..


"Dear Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner and can never go to Heaven as I am. I BELIEVE You died for my sins and shed Your blood for me on the cross. You rose from death and You are ALIVE to help me now. I take the step of TRUSTING YOU to FORGIVE me and to SAVE me. Take me into Your FAMILY right now. Amen."


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