Angels at Dunblane


Where were you when evil visited Class P1?

Were you not alert, on guard

While the innocents fumbled with gym shoes

And chattered contentedly, unaware of the darkness?

When the violent sounds of pistol

Stole so many precious lives

Could you not shield with mighty wings

And slay the evil?

Could you not restrain such deadly demons

That carry the stench of hell into such heavenly sweetness?

These Gethsemane questions are beyond our knowledge

But know this:

We were there

Gathering such a bouquet as heaven seldom saw.

We overflew cold Calvary and heard again the cry of desolation,

Yet also saw the open tomb

And we danced together with those young

In the glory fields of Paradise.

One of us looked back to those bleak school gates

And saw white flowers arranged with caring hand

to bear the name "Angels".

We marvelled that we could be honoured thus

To be compared to such noble lives.


© Michael Mitton 13 March 1996

Taken from City of Gold (published by Solway 1997) Used by Permission.



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