They brought Him...
GOLD... the precious
treasure fit for the KING.
These wise men had been
asking the question, "Where is the one who has been born
king of the Jews?"
Ah, but He is more
than a KING! Just as the precious furniture of the Tabernacle
was made of acacia wood overlaid with pure GOLD; so the
wood speaks of His HUMANITY and the GOLD of His DEITY. Jesus
Christ was the GOD-MAN. GOD become MAN. When the humble carpenter,
Joseph of Nazareth looked on the face of his baby son, he became
the first man to look on the FACE of GOD. When he held the baby
Jesus in his arms, he was holding the CREATOR of the universe.
The other night we were
visiting a web site, which enabled us to view the Earth from a
satellite, in real time. We could see the bands of white clouds
around her.
The LORD spoke to Job about His creating
the Earth, saying, "I made the clouds its garment and
wrapped it in thick darkness." The same word is used
here for "swaddling" a baby, that is wrapping him in
strips of cloth. The LORD God who is so GREAT that He wraps the
Earth with strips of cloud, became so TINY that He was wrapped in
strips of cloth by a lowly Jewish girl called Mary, and laid in a
manger! Wow, that really is SOMETHING!
Yes, He is more than
FRANKINCENSE... the whitish-yellowish
aromatic resin obtained from slicing into the bark of a certain
desert tree. It was used in the holy anointing oil, burned in the
grain offering, placed on the bread set before the LORD and was a
symbol of religious ferver. This speaks to us of CHRIST the
PRIEST. A priest is someone who stands between man and God,
offering sacrifices on man's behalf.
Ah, but He is more
than a PRIEST! In the Bible, the priests had to offer
sacrifices for their own sins as well as for the sins of the
people. But this man was HOLY and WITHOUT SIN. The priests also
had to offer the BLOOD
of calves and goats. But this man OFFERED
HIS OWN BLOOD. The priests of old offered sacrifices continually,
that could never take away sins. But this man OFFERED ONE
SACRIFICE to do away with sin for ever.
"But now he has
appeared once for all at the end of the ages to do away with sin
by the sacrifice of himself." Hebrews 9:26
Yes, He is more than
MYRRH... which comes
from a low, shrub-like tree. Gum drips on to the desert floor to
form an oily yellow-brown resin. There was no one as HUMBLE as He;
no one as LOW.
"For you know the
grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for
your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might
become rich."
2 Corinthians 8:9
Can we ask you, kindly, "Are you
humbly doing the will of God?"
Myrrh was added to the
pain-killing drink He was offered while He hung upon the CROSS.
He refused to drink it. Myrrh was brought to His tomb by Joseph
and Nicodemus to anoint His dead body. It speaks to us of CHRIST
Ah, but He is more
than a SUFFERER!
Many people have
suffered and many have died in the past. But His sufferings and
His death were UNIQUE. The were VICARIOUS, which simply means
died for OTHERS. He died for YOU!
"Christ died for
our sins according to the scriptures.." 1 Corinthians 15:3
Have you thanked Him?
Have you given Him your heart? Have you made Him yours?
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