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~Acknowledgements, thanks, and dedication~
This list is far, far from complete as of yet, but I would like to give thanks at least...
To my parents, for me
To my brother, for helping me survive my parents... and for singing Tenacious D
To Bria, for 10 years of best-friend-across-the-street-ness and for helping me survive my brother
To Amanda for being my partner in minor crime, such as the abuse of elevators and the people who ride them
To Annie, for being Agressive-Assertive!Annie while we're debating, Socialist!Annie in AP World History, and AmazinglyIntelligent!Annie in Latin every day (all Annies sold separately)
To Lennie for being beautiful in the truest sense of the word
To Jay, for being adorable
To Molly for being my twin spirit, for making fun of our teachers, for her underwear, and for having such profound influence on my life
To Sam for trust and friendship and understanding
To Eric-who-went-to-BHS for The SnellWars and for being intelligent
To Jon Yi for being a good friend and for daily hugs
To Justin for being the way he is and for teaching me so very much about people, myself, and love
To Elena for forcing me to sing her "Happy Birthday"
To The Forum for pushing me, inspiring me, and cementing some of the most important friendships I have
To Jonah and Graham for wearing my skirts, for helping push my world off the edge, and for being there when it did fall
To Sarah R for her gorgeous writing and for being critical of my criticism
To Jonathann for limitlessness, his band, his strong beliefs, and for being an inspiration to me
To Sarah C for ADF impressions, for the strength of her opinions, for talking about sex, and for crack chicken
To Becca for not being interested in skateboarding
To Paul for liking good music, for changing my life, and for trying
To Eric-who-goes-to-CHHS for sleeping but mostly for dancing
To Emily for being the best
To Zeke, for my health, happiness, and sanity; for allowing me to blatantly steal the idea for this page; and for being so incredibly wonderful in too many ways to name