engagement night
October 15, 1993
dating We started dating in April 1993. We met through our good friends Michele & Michael. We clicked right away. It didn't take long before we were serious about one another. And, the rest is history.
December 18, 1993, we formally announced our engagement to our families at a party hosted by Uncle Glenn and Aunt Scotty. It was also Scott's birthday. After opening all his gifts, he dropped to one knee and popped the question! engagement
marriage On September 3, 1994, Scott & I got married. It was a perfect day. After our reception was over, we invited family and friends to join us in our hotel suite. The party continued. It got kind of messy. We had a huge food fight, and it got out of control. We had a blast. My mom got the hotel bill for the damages two months later!
We bought a house. We actually did it, we purchased our very first home. While they were building our home, we moved in with Loretta. At the same time, Sheryl moved in with Loretta. We had a full house! Moving in was an adventure. I drove the U-haul truck, enough said! house
s&m When were not working at home or around the house, Scott & I love to hang out with friends and have a cold beer.
New Year's Eve 1998 started with a BANG!!! We went to the Harvey Hotel's New Year's Eve party with our friends Wendy & David. We danced, we drank, we toasted to the new year, and then we.........we called Teri to wish her a happy birthday. New Year's
cozumel September 1997 we went to Cozumel, Mexico...again. I braided my hair. This is Scott and I doing a shot of who knows what at Carlos & Charlie's
Christmas 1998. I love the holidays and I enjoy decorating our house. At Christmas time, our house becomes a fire hazard. Our tree has over 1200 lights. I need to stop buying Christmas decorations, because I don't have anywhere to store them. My attic is already FULL! xmas98
family photo December 1999. All of us were together for the holidays, the Harlows, Burlesons, Hamiltons and the Kuhns. We gathered everyone and took family portraits. This is ours. I think it came out GREAT! Little did I know that at the time this picture was taken I was about a week pregnant!!!!
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