This pain has been with me for 25 years;
The days pass by - less often filled with tears!
But on this, the anniversary, I flash-back once again;
To a time I could hold you - - you were still alive way back then!
Dying.....from the inside out!
Those who are lucky enough to NOT be members of this group;
Can't understand why my spirits sometimes droop!
They say hollow words like "he's in a much better place";
But what they don't understand is "I just want to see your face"!
Dying.....from the inside out!
They try to relate, but there's no way they can;
They've gotten to see their boy grow into a man!
They've had years to watch their son go through dating and such;
But I never got to enjoy all those moments - - I miss you so much!
Dying.....from the inside out!
The once sharp, piercing pain is now a dull ache;
That stays with me each moment - from the second I wake!
My consolation, which helps me when days like this are hard to get through;
Is that, with each year that passes, I'm that much closer to seeing you!
Dying.....from the inside out!
This poem was written, and I believe inspired, for and by my son Brian, who died 25-years ago today. He will NEVER be out of my thoughts. In his memory, I dedicate this page to ANY parent who has lost a child!
Written 03/24/01
2001 Rita A. Hallenbeck
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