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God's Newest Angel

God has called another angel to come and sit beside His throne;
She's gone to join the chosen who will never again be alone.
The wonderment of Heaven must be beautiful I'm sure;
And that thought should make your feeling of loss easier to endure.

She's smiling down at you from Heaven now, urging you to go on;
She'll be your angelic assistant, inspiring every song.

No more pain or suffering will she ever have to tolerate;
Her physical ailments all were healed as she glided through the Golden Gate.
She traded in her hospital gown for a flowing robe of white;
The moment that she left this world and saw the eternal light.

She'll walk among green meadows, see rainbows everyday;
She'll sing with choirs of angels, praising God in every way.
Her family is hurting now - because they miss her so;
But she has gone to that special place - - - where only angels get to go.

Take solace in the fact that she's suffering no more;
She's gotten to the garden, which is what we're all living for.

We know our life on earth is temporary at best;
Gaining entry into Heaven is everybody's quest.
God chooses some so early - lets others stay so late;
We never know when our turn will come - for that we have to wait.

I know you think you've lost her, but that isn't really true;
She's watching you from Heaven - and her love will guide you through.
And while we wait, God wants us to be gentle, and yet strong;
So we can all be angels when our moment comes along.

Written 07/05/01
2001 Rita A. Hallenbeck
This page was written for a very special friend of mine who recently lost her Mom.
She does not wish her name to be shown, but she knows it was written to help ease her pain.
Perhaps it will do the same for someone else as well.

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The Wonderful Graphics On This Page Were Found At:

The song is "Angels Among Us", sung by Alabama, and was found at:
Julie's Home Of Music