
I Can Go To Him
This poem was written by Stephen R. Schlag in
Sept. of 2002 for his wife Rebecca in memory
of their son, Peter James Schlag, born and died
on Sept. 17, 1999.

My son, my son, you cannot come to me,
My heart is empty, full of hurt and pain.
My arms that held you while you slept in death
Have yearned e'er since to hold you once again.

The moment you arrived, my heart was glad.
That first, sweet cry- how joyful to my ears;
In only but a few, short, dreadful moments,
My joyful face would shed it's saddest tears.

Your tender face, so sweet and full of peace
Seemed like an angel's face- it was so pure!
There were no blights of sin to scar your mind,
No trials that you ever must endure.

Your eyes were clear, like one who's been redeemed.
Your heart knew not the wounds of thoughtless friends
But when Lord Jesus took you on to Heaven
Our pain and sorrow seemed to know no bounds.

No doubt, he was the image of his father,
And knew his mother's love as few have known.
Our dreams, our hopes, our plans and aspirations
Were snatched away and we were left alone.

If he, our son, our sweet and darling Peter,
Could speak to us and be here for a day,
I wonder what he'd do and what he'd look like,
I wonder how he'd act and what he'd say.

I think he'd hug his mother and his father.
He'd look like Daddy with his big, blue eyes.
He'd tell us of the perfect peace in Heaven
Where all is love and no-one ever cries,

How Jesus' arms have held him as a baby.
And now, you know, he's almost turning three.
He'd kiss us both and we'd return his love.
My, what a blest experience this would be!

I think he'd tell his grieving, darling mother,
"I love and miss you, but if you could see
Where I am living now, I am so happy!
I'm here with Jesus for eternity.

"He may have spared you greater sorrow later,
Had I become a rebel, strong and tall.
So please, dear mother, trust the Lord's decision,
For Jesus always does what's best for all.

"Please don't forget to love our Blessed Jesus,
And ever serve Him strong and faithfully.
You know that I can never come to you,
But someday, Mommy, you can come to me."

I doubt that here on earth this ever happens,
But maybe in a dream our minds can see
That this is somewhat how it is in Heaven,
And it will last for all eternity! |