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Welcome, and we hope you enjoy your visit to our homepage! My name is Melissa and my husband Jeff and I live in Southern Illinois, just across the Mississippi River from St. Louis, MO. We have been together since 5/93 and were married 4/5/97.

This is me, Melissa.

This is my husband, Jeff.

This is our dog, Duffy.

We have a wide variety of interests, which include spending time on our computer [time escapes me when I am there!], chatting with our friends, cooking, baking, card games, crafts, antiques, animals of all kinds, geneology, making webpages, taking roadtrips, and spending time with our Shih Tzu dog MacDuff (Duffy), our Tabby cat Solomon, and our three pet domestic [not sewer!] rats named Rhonda-(a blue-eyed, black & white, Berkshire), and the twins, Rachel & Rebecca-(black-eyed, beige, Berkshires).
We also enjoy reading, (we have a HUGE collection of books!) listening to all kinds of music, (I love Phil Collins, Celine Dion, Shawn Colvin, Andrew Llyod Webber, Bette Midler, and Billy Joel to name a few. Jeff loves Rush, Stevie Ray Vaughan, AC/DC, and other groups that I NEVER listened to before I met him! LOL)decorating, cooking, and spending time with our extended families.
Since we purchased this computer I have spent the better part of my days playing games, and spending time on America Online. I have made some wonderful friends along the way, as well as found some great information of all kinds. The only drawback is that the housework seems to have gone downhill!! We now have a wonderful family of dustbunnies living with us!!
As I said earlier, I have found some great friends and information all over cyberspace. Click below to visit our Favorite Links, Family Album, our Friends' Homepages, the Adoption Page [furry and funny little creatures I found in cyberspace], and the Thoughts & Poems Page.

Links Family Album Friends

Adoption PageThoughts & Poems

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